2 WordPress SEO Plugins installed

SEO Tutorials | August 22nd, 2007 | 2 Comments

We all want a self hosted blog, so we build one…and we all want that free traffic from search engines so we start to optimize our blog. In some cases it is not as easy as you might think to optimize your wordpress blog for search engines, but in other cases it is really easy by simply installing a seo plugin or two to slightly improve your blog optimization.

I first wrote about new plugins on my blog which did not had much to do with SEO optimization but it did help to build some trust and incentive readers to take become a part of your blog.

Later on i wrote WordPress SEO Optimization where i did mention some plugins that you should use to better optimize your blog for search engines, even tho one of the plugins i had mentioned on that post i wasn’t using but i did know it is a good plugin since i had tested it functionality, few days ago i did installed that SEO plugin and another one, after a while that i tested it on this blog i can definitively recommend them to you. Lets take a look on these 2 WordPress seo plugins i have installed (and not removed since they perform well).

SEO Slugs

The SEO Slugs plugin is easy to install and nothing needs to be done after installation to make it work. This seo plugin for wordpress will eliminate the search engine boolean operators from your URL and decrease the length of the posts URL and increase the percentage of keywords in the same URL. Lets take a look of the SEO Slugs plugin in action and take an example of one of my posts.
The post titled Learn marketing while watching a show if i did not had installed the SEO Slugs plugin it would have the URL http://www.dnseo.net/learn-marketing-while-watching-a-show/ (36 character long ONLY the posts URL, excluding www.dnseo.net but including the -‘s and in the post URL) and now since i use the SEO Slugs plugin the URL of that post is http://www.dnseo.net/learn-marketing-watching-show/ (29 character long). As you can notice the most common words that are used such as “while” and “a” have been eliminated from the URL which did decrease the URL length of the post for 7 characters and increased the percentage of the keywords in URL.

To see it action after you have installed, go to Write post, write your title, write some content and click on Save and Continue Editing, on the right side of the window you will notice the box Post Slug, right in this moment the slug of this post is 2-wordpress-seo-plugins-installed but i could anyway change the post slug and make it be my-2-wordpress-seo-plugins-installed so it is easy to use. Indeed, you could change the post slug without this plugin, but it will take you some time to figure which keywords need to remain and which to be removed, while with SEO Slugs plugin you will save time and your post slug will still make sense.
NOTE: You will have to pay attention when you will write new posts to make sure you won’t have the same slug on two different posts.
Download SEO Slugs plugin

All in One SEO Pack

After the results i saw with SEO Slugs plugin i thought i would give a chance to All in One SEO Pack plugin. I haven’t mainly installed the plugin because it had some features that i have already implemented in my blog, such as the SEO title hack for WordPress, the description for each post. I still don’t use the Title rewrite option from All in One SEO Pack, i like more how the seo title hack performs for me. Anyway, the All in One SEO pack plugin did a great job for me on other parts of my site with its powerful features. The old head description metatag plugin i used it would take the first few lines of my post and use it as description of the post, while with All in one SEO pack i can write a totally different description and in addition i can add head keywords metatag for each post which might not help me with Google search engine but it will definitively help me with other search engines that still give some weight to the head keywords metatag.
Download All in One SEO Pack

The results
By using these two new SEO plugins for WordPress my blog performs slightly better with search engines (mainly with Google), i have different description and different keywords for each post, each category and the homepage. It is worth to give a try to these two lovely SEO plugins. To note tho, if your blog is already old and you have a decent amount of posts…don’t worry, you can still modify the metatags of those post, but do them manually and change the metatags of your posts, one or two a day only (if you intend to change two a day, than make sure there is a time delay between the two changes especially if you use the Google sitemap plugin that pings Google every time you make a change on your blog posts or write a new post. While SEO Slugs i would recommend you not to change the post slug of your previous posts, especially if they already rank well as they are).

One more thing i would recommend you is to install a fresh new wordpress blog and test how these plugins work to get a hand working with them before you decide to install them in your main blog.

If you already know about these plugins and have installed them than good, if not, it is time to install them now for better SEO Optimization of your blog.

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2 Responses to “2 WordPress SEO Plugins installed”
  1. Those are nice points. I’ve also been most concerned with just keeping duplicate pages out, and not allowing many of the built-in links from being spidered.

  2. […] ago the all in one seo pack plugin was deactivated on my xHTML coding website and since I did not used the seo title hack for […]