Article Marketing Robot Review

SEO Software Reviews | November 30th, 2010 | Comments Off on Article Marketing Robot Review

Article Marketing Robot

It is about time to make a seo software review of this excellent article marketing software, the Article Marketing Robot. To be honest, if you are into article marketing, then this is one of those softwares that you really want to have in your article marketing arsenal as it can make you save a lot of time, organize your work in a way like you have only imagined and if you play your game the right way, the impact will be incredible because of the number of inbound links your site or landing page will receive. There is just one little notice I have to tell you before you even purchase this software or run the test version and register into the directories, MAKE SURE YOUR EMAIL HAS ENOUGH SPACE ALLOCATED. That’s right, I am not kidding, the software comes with over 2000 article directories in the list, and it gets updated frequently (new directories being added, dead ones being removed and so on)…so making sure your email account has enough space allocated can make the difference between having over 2000 directories registered and having only 1000 or even less. Enough of the fluff, lets get into the review.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links that redirect to the product for which I am being compensated for every purchase. The review I am writing is based on my own experience with the product. This is NOT a paid review, the only compensation I receive is through the affiliate links.

Article Marketing Robot Features

As i mentioned in the introduction paragraph above, this software comes preloaded with over 2000 article directories and blogs, exactly 2752 article directories as for the moment while I am writing this review. But the real power doesn’t rely only on this number of directories on which you can submit your articles and promote your business or product, its the numerous and excellent features that make this article marketing software GREAT and OUSTANDING (I know, you never heard me shout this loud on articles, but I assure you, this IS the real deal). The list of the features that article marketing robot has are the next (and it is going to be a long list);

  • Automatically sign up to all directories and create pen names
  • Automatically verify all sign ups – with a single click – checks emails, confirms registration and deletes emails
  • Almost 3000 directories where to publish your article
  • Spin on submit – place your spinned articles and the software will spin them while submitting
  • Nested spinning feature – add spin syntax to spinned articles
  • Schedule article submission – POWERFUL
  • Built-in spinner – rewrite/spin your articles within the software
  • Organize article directories as you wish, in separate directories based on PR, health etc.. – GREAT FEATURE
  • Submission report – not just a submission report, but you can extract live or pending URLs into a simple HTML file, CVS file or directly as RSS – WOHO big a.. time saver
  • Ability to BLACKLIST directories on which you NEVER want to see your articles submitted – GREAT CONTROL

My Conclusion for Article Marketing Robot

When I friend asked me to recommend him a good article marketing software that could practically do all the above features I mentioned earlier and with a high approval rate I really had to ask him first “Should the software also serve you a hot plate or a drink?” before I could recommend him article marketing robot, you know..just in case he had some weird ideas.

Even tho the approval rate might depend on YOU, YOUR article and the ARTICLE directory I would still not worry about all that. I mean, do a math, almost 3000 directories, even if you get a 90% registration success rate that still leaves you with 2700 directories in your arsenal. Call off another 700 directories because they might not have the proper category for your article, you are left with 2000 directories. Add to that even as little as 1% approval rate, that is 200 LIVE LINKS pointing to your pages for one single click (yup, the SUBMIT one). But the approval rate is much higher to be honest, when I tested the software the first time I had my articles go live within the first hour on 34 websites (auto approval thingie). On day to, I found 96 published articles, that means my spinned articles were published on 96 different domains that would be pointing links to my site (if I had placed my links in the resource box). Third day I had over 150 published articles (and here I stopped checking..), that is less then $0.51 per link from different domains within 3 days.

But honestly, article marketing robot is one of the best article marketing softwares that I have came across during these last few years, and I tested many of them, spent more then I should, I was even thinking about hiring a friend of mine programmer to get a software for me that could pretty much do all of the above mentioned features, good thing I came across AMR in time, I now spent $77 only for this powerful tool instead of the $1000 (minimum) i had in mind to unload for my friend to create me the software.

However, as I said, this software doesn’t serve hot plates or drinks, so minimal work is required from your end as well. Not all of the directories in the list are of TOP quality, so they need a little “push” to get the pages indexed (even tho many will get indexed without any intervention, but if I was you, i would want them ALL indexed). And if you have just a little imagination and know a bit the SEO game, you can do so MUCH MORE (perhaps I could share some tips in new articles on how to get this much more, what do you think?).

Have questions, doubts or need suggestions for article marketing robot? Just comment bellow and I will help you out.

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Article Marketing Robot

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