Articles you have missed till 12-23-2007

Open topic | December 23rd, 2007 | 2 Comments

This past weeks has been a weak week for the SEO Optimization blog as I was not able to write quality posts due to lack in concentration (shame on me). Not being able to keep up with the blog has proven another theory I believed it was true about blogs but did not had the chance to confirm it. But we will speak about it lower on this post, for now, lets see what have you missed reading during this past week.

Articles you missed reading on

  • Best Blogger Advice Ever

    Blogging advice from a professional blogger Darren Rowse from Having a map and plan of what is going to appear next in your blog is a great way to beat the time instead of letting the time beat up on you.

  • Slowing Down

    Due to things happening in real life that keep my brain struggling on how to resolve the life issues I am not able to follow up and dedicate myself (for the moment) as I used to before to this blog. Who ever feels like that he/she can contribute to this blog contact me with your article and I will make sure to be published.

  • SERPs Competition

    In this article i treat the argument of SERPs competition and who your competitors are. Viewing the competition and competitors from a different point of view.

  • Ranking For Less Competitive Keywords

    If the union brings power, than certainly ranking for more but less competitive keywords brings you more traffic. Read more to find out how..and why I believe so.

  • Won my first contest…ever

    Thats right, even I managed to win a contest.

SEO Lesson

Says who that you can’t learn a damn thing about dis-adventures ? This past slowing down week has taught me a new lesson on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for blogs and how you can improve or kill your blog. If you remember my daily blogging and seo post than you know that blogging daily makes so that the spiders of the search engine will come to crawl your blog on daily basis, and since search engines LOVE fresh new content your site will not be forget from search engines. To confirm that theory I am telling you that watching the analytics stats for this blog during the past week I can see how the stats bar is gradually going down, and it gives the appearance that the blog is dying, another sign of slowing down on blogging also showed up on the SERPs where I lost 2 positions for the keyword SEO Optimization.

Why did I lost SERPs? The main reason why I lost SERPs is because I am not doing what I used to be doing, partecipating on communities, writing content that link baits, slowing down the post rate and mainly those post where the word SEO or Search Engine Optimization should appear is nowhere, referring to the seo tutorials. So this blog is mainly surviving from links on articles the site has received and from long tail keywords, which is the merit of the latest changes I made on this blog (and this can serve as well as prove that the experiment worked out). This loss in SERPs and traffic is not going to last forever, soon as I get fixed things I will be back posting on regular basis and running experiments in meanwhile, if you want to support me feel free to linkback to this blog with anchor text SEO Optimization or Learn SEO, it will be much appreciated. But for now, lets highlight those things that influenced the loss in traffic and SERPs on this blog.

  • Not updating the blog with useful content for users on daily basis
  • Not partecipating in communities
  • Lack of linkbait content

Only three points that really are making this blog die even tho I have kept updating the blog on daily basis, but mainly with random content.


To not forget linking to internal pages of your blog/site and sharing link love with the rest of your blog/site pages, paying attention to your title tag and keep unique title for your articles. If you want to learn more about SEO and SEM buy SEOBook, 311 pages PDF eBook written by Aaron Wall a well known SEO expert, while reading can help you understand a SEO software like WebCEO will definitively help you optimizing your site and pages to rank higher in the SERPs.

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2 Responses to “Articles you have missed till 12-23-2007”
  1. Lamar says:

    Also, this is very good for SEO and searching: (Google, Yahoo, Live, Ask, AOL, Dogpile, Altavista…)

  2. It is a good mirror for seeing results on both search engines but from same window. Tho it is not a original idea, it was already been used.