How To Find High Paying AdSense Keywords For Your Niche Site

Make Money Online | July 14th, 2010 | Comments Off on How To Find High Paying AdSense Keywords For Your Niche Site

Just recently I wrote a similar article on how to find high paying adsense keywords that I published in an article directory. However since that article was pretty much general and I never went deep into details I decided to write one for my blog and share it with my visitors, only that in this article we will concentrate more on high paying AdSense keywords for your niche website and we will get into more details.

Whenever I build the site I use a similar strategy, however I tend not to build the websites for AdSense only and I have some specific criteria that I do follow and one of those is that the site must be somehow related to products and that have a decent market but it doesn’t have to be to saturated. But from the other site, it is also a good strategy to build a few mini sites that would bring some income to pay the bills or even to fund the “main” sites economically too. Since these smaller sites purpose is not only informative but as well to generate a decent income and mainly from AdSense it has to;

  • Have a decent search volume – means it there are people showing interest for this type of product/information
  • AdWords advertisers should BID a certain amount per click – usually I track down those that have over $1.50 USD per click or even $2 per click
  • The site should also be also product driven – in case it shows successful and exceeds my expectations I could then integrate more programs to generate even more revenue

Researching High Paying Keywords for our Niche site

Now that we have got a clean view of what type of site we want to build and that we have a clue on what market we want to build our site what we should do is perform a search based on the main keyword so we can find a more specific niche keyword in the market field that will have a high enough PPC bid. In this example we will use as main keyword “car” and with the use of the Search-based Keyword Tool (or rather, SKTool)we will try to dig deeper and find the perfect keywords for our site.

Search-based Keyword Tool Homepage

Once landing in the sktool homepage we see the form as in the above image. Insert you main keyword in the Word/Phrase field and hit the Find Keywords button. Sktool will then perform a search and display results of suggested keywords for our main keyword together with monthly search volume data, competition, suggested PPC bid and some other information’s as shown in the bellow image.

Sktool Keywords Result Idea

Now that we have the results and keyword ideas based on our main keyword all what we have to do is click on the Suggested Bid tab (which is highlighted in the above image) to organize the display of the results from the highest suggested BID result to lowest, you might also want to align the same results based on monthly search volume to make sure you chose a keyword that does indeed have a decent search volume otherwise we might be just wasting time building a site over a keyword that nobody searches for. You might also want to use a SEO software to perform an analyse over the competition for a certain keyword, check the market samurai review, a seo software that I strongly recommend.

With our results in front of our eyes all what we have to do next is check through the list and find some keywords with decent search volume, that has advertisers bidding over that keyword and make sure that the competition over that keyword isn’t too strong so we can get the site in the top 10 rankings and if possible by just using the free & effective internet marketing strategies so we keep our investment as cheaper as less as possible.

Expanding your site based on other high paying keywords on the same niche

We have our main keyword, we have checked the competition and everything looks good enough for us to jump in and build our site. But don’t rush, the next step you should do is perform yet another search on the keyword you have picked and find other keywords that are related to that niche so you can expand your site based on other high paying adsense keywords on the same niche, drive more traffic and of course generate more revenue.

In the following article under the make money online category I will write on how to check the competition for certain keyword and ways we can expand our site by integrating relevant programs to generate more income, so don’t forget to subscribe to my RSS feed (it is completely free, but you already know that) and get updated when the article gets published.

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