Free Microsoft SEO Toolkit

SEO Tutorials | May 15th, 2010 | Comments Off on Free Microsoft SEO Toolkit

As I am really slow at blogging and caught up with projects I am always late in publishing the good news (even tho I often happen to catch them on time). The latest one is the free Microsoft SEO toolkit which was released early this year (if I am not wrong). The Microsoft free SEO toolkit does the same thing as any other SEO tools that perform on-page analysis and off-page as well. The part I like about this tool is that it can deep crawl your site (and that’s perfect for blogs with hundreds of posts published) and give you a indepth analysis of each page, detect errors, and help you out on tracking the errors to improve your sites/pages on-page optimization (it doesn’t do magic, but it helps you track down those issues and you can then fix them).

Another great feature the free microsoft seo toolkit has built in is comparison between reports, which helps you see how your sites optimization is improving after the changes you have done. I will let you watch this video to get more information’s, and then you let me know what you think.

Note: To install the Microsoft Search Engine Optimization Toolkit is free and it requires IIS version 7 or higher.

Microsoft SEO Toolkit Download links & More Information’s
WebPI | x86 | x64 | More Information’s

Have you installed the Microsoft free SEO Toolkit already? Let us all know what are your thoughts of this seo tool.

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