Importance of Link Bait
SEO Tutorials | April 22nd, 2007 | Comments Off on Importance of Link Bait Hello everyone,
Here i am writing another article, sharing again with the others that what I have learned. And today I am going to speak about the Importance of Link Bait and how to build a successful link bait.
Some one might be asking, what actually is a LinkBait? LinkBait is any link built in a related content with the primary purpose to explain that content better and attract visitors to that page with a related content.
The purpose of building link bait is obvious, as for any other kind of link building “To develop incoming links to your site and gain traffic”. One thing that is not clear to everyone is how link bait will help your web site rank higher, and the benefits of linkbait are divided in two groups.
1). You will rank for more phrases, since you will be using anchor text for your links. For example if you run a pets web site and you put out a wonderful content on how to train your dog, you would want to link to that page with anchor text “how to best train your dog”, that way you will rank higher for that phrase, which in return will drive you a healthy traffic for that content.
2). Linkbait or internal links will help you boost the overall strength of your web site. The internal linking to other pages of your site will be stronger and so in turn those pages become stronger, and we know that stronger pages have a higher pagerank.
This is an article that explains the use and the importance of linkbait. If you like this article subscribe to my RSS feed