Upgrade All In One SEO Pack

SEO Tutorials | September 10th, 2007 | 2 Comments

One of my two SEO plugins i use in SEO Optimization blog is All In One SEO Pack. Few days ago i notice something weird happening in my blog.

First when users would view a post from the posts page they would get duplicated the comment box/form and sidebar right under the footer. Than i activated the tags that you can use within the comment and the error was not visual any longer. But the error persisted in the code.

If I was to view the source code of my layout i would notice that right after the end of the html tag i was getting the whole layout duplicated for two times as HTML commented (i.e. not visible on the layout but still visible in the code source). This error was bugging me a lot, not for the view but for many other reasons

  • Was increasing the size of the page
  • Afraid of Google penalization for using hidden text (even tho it is simply a commented text)

If you are using All In One SEO Pack plugin version you will notice this error, i highly recommend you upgrade your All In One SEO Pack to the latest version and regulary check if there is new version of ALL your plugins.

After the upgrade, finally SEO Optimization turned back normal.

Sharing is caring!

Spin Rewriter - Intelligent Content Spinning Software

2 Responses to “Upgrade All In One SEO Pack”
  1. Thats a lovely plugin Adam. Thanks for sharing.

    Seems like i have been more concentrated into seo plugins and marketing plugins that i forgot about these other small but useful tools.