Hello and welcome to SEO Optimization blog, my name is Astrit and i was born in Eastern Europe in a country with a really (and i mean really) long name (until U.S.A. gets pissed off on Greece and shortens the name of the country i was born, but, i will rather stay off politics, its a endless talk and many times useless since it does not depend from us the common mortals), back to the name, the country i come from is F.Y.R.O.M. (sounds short heh, well thats just the acronym, lets expand it a bit) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, now you get the picture, anyway consider it as Republic of Macedonia (ROM). I am 24 years old and study sciences of criminology in Italy, thats where and i do live now.
Aside my studies on criminal minds my passion for computers is the older passion and took part of me since the early age. Recently i got interested in SEO and after couple years of bugging and bug fixing my sites SEO performance i decided to share some of that knowledge I have achieved in SEO.
The domain name dnseo.net was acquired by me on 11-30-2006 on NamePros.com forums auction. It was such a pity to see this domain name going on auction for such a low price. Of course the .NET TLD does not have that MUCH value as the .COM has, but yet, the name it self even tho it is not a .com is worth, so i decided to take part of the auction and won this domain for only $7. Now, after few months the domain was kept parked on NameDrive I decided to run this blog and share that what i know about SEO with the others, hoping also that other SEO guys will share their knowledge so we could all benefit.
Thats the history of the domain and something about me, the rest…is all in the main page of SEO Optimization.