Search Engines

Search Engines

Google & Webmaster Profiling Never Stops

Google search engine | January 18th, 2013 | Comments Off on Google & Webmaster Profiling Never Stops

Since the late 2011 and early 2012 I was getting the gut feeling that Google was using extensive profiling of webmasters, their websites and techniques methods they would use to promote their site. I did wrong ignoring that feeling, and to be honest never really thought about it much (or should I say I was […]

The real camouflage Ninja, Google

Google search engine | December 29th, 2012 | Comments Off on The real camouflage Ninja, Google

Sharing stuff that do make sense and educate webmasters is a duty & caring. I just couldn’t resist to share this infographic from’s Blog as it is explaining very well how sneaky and ninja like Google is. Google Infographics by SEO Book What do you think?

Google AdSense Doesn’t Give a Crap About Blocked Advertisers List

Google search engine, Make Money Online | August 22nd, 2012 | Comments Off on Google AdSense Doesn’t Give a Crap About Blocked Advertisers List

Weird one would think..why on earth would Google AdSense give you an option to block adsense ads and then not give a crap? To be honest, it is not that it doesn’t give crap. I’ve used the block advertisers feature since day 1 I signed up and it has WORKED like a charm. And it […]

Guide: Cleaning Up Search Results on Google

Google search engine | July 27th, 2012 | Comments Off on Guide: Cleaning Up Search Results on Google

Since the latest algorithmic updates the SERP (search engine result pages) are coming up more annoying then ever with same sites getting multiple listings (and I am not referring to site links), more ads appearing on high commercial intend keywords and the Google’s own properties racking up on top of the SERPs that result in […]

Google & SEO Labeling

Google search engine, SEO Tutorials | May 4th, 2012 | Comments Off on Google & SEO Labeling

Ever since the latest algorithm update to fight SEOs and opening a play-field for negative seo I had notice a pattern that was really puzzling me what is going on. Even tho I had some smaller sites penalized with obviously lower quality links and way to targeted anchor texts I also had penalized some high […]