Around the Web and Back April 28

Open topic | April 27th, 2008 | Comments Off on Around the Web and Back April 28

This post was actually supposed to be published yesterday, but being short in time I couldn’t so I decided to make a mixture of articles you have missed reading and around the web and back series, starting from the articles you have missed reading. I wonder how do you guys that own maybe more then one website online manage your time and deal with it? Would be happy to hear your opinions.

Articles you have missed reading

Judging from the amount of posts I have published this week you can really tell I was short in time. But i still managed to publish some articles which will be useful to you and if you haven’t read them already let me remind you about the next articles.

OIOPublisher Coupon Code

OIOPublisher (or as I like to refer to, the wordpress billing plugin) is giving away these two lovely coupon codes to drop their prices even lower for you. The first coupon will give you a discount of $5 while the second one $17 what better would you expect?

Google SERPs Case Sensitive

The latest report from SEO experts is that Google SERPs for certain keywords are case sensitive and give different results (for a position or two) for the same keyword but with and without capitalizing letters in the keyword.

The 3 SE’s Going Green

A collection, and opinions about the three major search engines that dominate the market and how they have presented and supported the Green Earth day with their logo designs.

Understanding AdSense Better

An appeal to those that are willing to start making money online. Lately we all start out monetizing our websites with Google AdSense, where crucial role plays traffic and and placement around the web, but even more important is to understand how AdSense actually works and how AdWords advertisers influence your revenue from AdSense. Understanding these two points better you can definitively increase your online revenue from Google AdSense. In case you haven’t already left your opinion, idea, thought on the original post, but you are eager to know the answer you can subscribe to my RSS Feed and read it on the tomorrow’s post.

Around the Web and Back

Considering that I have been short in time you can guess that I have had even less time to read whats on the web for this week. But there is an important news for all wordpress users that have 2.5 installed. In case you haven’t heard about the news already version 2.5.1 is already out with major bug fixes and one important security fix. This security whole seems not to be public yet (i.e. no one has blogged about the security whole and how you can abuse of that hole) so it would be smart upgrade your WP already to 2.5.1.

Hope you enjoyed reading and that you have already subscribed to my RSS feed, you can also have the posts delivered via email in your inbox.

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