Articles you have missed till 02-10-2008

Open topic | February 24th, 2008 | Comments Off on Articles you have missed till 02-10-2008

Yet another Sunday, and thanks God this time it is a sunny one which makes it a great day to go out and do something like a walk on the park, playing basketball (for 5 mins only, after which I am done damn..) or just enjoying a coffee in the nearest bar. But as far as it regards what I would be doing I know you don’t give a damn. Rather then reading what I will be doing I bet you want to know what you have missed reading during the past week.

You have most likely notice that I have been slow on posting lately. What keeps me busy is my new coding services website which I recently redesigned and had some trouble with (it turns out as good lesson how small mistakes can make big troubles, but thats for another and more detailed post). But lets take a look at what has been going on with this blog during the past week.

Looking at the above list and the one of the previous Sunday it makes me think that I am leaving something behind my hand the rest of the categories such as the make money online, marketing and advertising and have mainly concentrated my posts on seo tutorials (which makes sense since this is a learn seo blog).

SEO Reminder and Advice

Are you playing smart with your internal linking? Many of you will think that interlinking with your other posts doesn’t have any importance when search engine optimization is in question, thats false. When you already have an established website (or even new) internal linking can save you loads of time and can improve your search engine rankings for internal pages of your blog. I am a strong believer that with a proper on page optimization you are one step forward your competition. Lets take for example this latest seocontest2008. If you notice, my landing page for this contest is ranking in the top 10 (bouncing from 5-6-7-8-9-10 position). All the above ranking websites have already created a huge amount of external backlinks from different websites (over 400 backlinks) to their contest entrance page to rank where they are right now. While I am on 10th position with just few (less then 10, from same site) backlinks and mainly by using internal linking structure to give value to my contest landing page, which proves once again how important internal linking can be in search engine optimization.

If you are new in search engine optimization I would advice you reading Aaron Walls search engine optimization ebook. Aaron eBook on SEO is considered as the SEO Bible and it mainly covers the basics seo techniques but guiding you how to think in a more advanced way regarding search engine optimization and search engine marketing. The book is really worth reading.

When we do SEO do optimize our pages or websites homepage for certain keywords. WordZe is an advanced keyword research tool which gives you detailed report about your targeting keyword as well as it gives you a list of alternative keywords related to yours which can help you optimize your website for more than just one keyword and increase your websites organic traffic.

If you want to follow up with new posts on my learn seo blog subscribe to my RSS feed or have the new posts delivered via email to your inbox.

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No Responses to “Articles you have missed till 02-10-2008”
  1. CatherineL says:

    Hi Astrit – I agree, offering SEO services would not be a great way to leverage your time. People have asked recently if I would offering mentoring or coaching services, but I’m not keen for the same reasons.

    Now that you’re getting quite a lot of traffic, advertising might be the way to go.

    By the way, I’ve included one of your articles on choosing directories to list in, on my 27 resources for starting an online business.

  2. Hi Catherine,
    Indeed mentoring or offering seo services is time consuming and adds more stress (and heck I don’t need more stress then what I got).

    Btw, if I don’t comment doesn’t mean I am not reading your blog on daily basis 🙂 (I saw the link, and I am kinda sorry I haven’t compiled yet the list). Thank you for the mention.

  3. CatherineL says:

    No worries Astrit – I know you are busy.

    I’ll try to come up with an idea and check it out with you anyway.