How to Buy SEOBook for $9

SEO Tutorials | October 31st, 2007 | 3 Comments

Thats right, you can buy Aaron Walls SEOBook for only $9, I did it, and I will now show you how you can do it too.

If you have not been lucky to win the SEO Book in a competition run by the big guys, or you have waited for so long that the SEO Book gets sold a dirt cheap on Deal Dot Com than don’t worry, because there is a new way to get it for as low as $9, lower than for that price you can get SEO Book as gift or award on contests.

The process

There are 3 steps how to buy Aaron Walls SEO Book for $9 and I will tell you the steps here (nothing exclusive, but you had to think about it).

The first step is to sign up for Aaron Walls affiliate program. Aaron’s affiliate program payout is on $50, but things get easier once you sign up for the program you get bonus of $20 which brings you half way to the payout.

The second step, after you have signed up for the SEO Book affiliate program surf the in your account and get the text links or banners that you can place in your site or blog. Note, the sales perform better in pre-sales post usually. Once you have placed the banners and wrote a pre-sales post for the SEO Book than all you have to do is wait until you generate a sale (which is not hard at all if you write a good pre sales post and your blog or site is related to SEO and Internet Marketing).

Third step, in the third step I presume you have already generated at least 1 sale and the sale has been approved in your affiliate program. Now your balance is $45 ($20 bonus and $25 per each sale you generate) and you still need another $5 to get your payout. The trick is that you can generate another sale if you are willing to buy the SEO Book for your self. The SEO Book costs $79 and you already have $45 in your affiliate account. Generating another sale for yourself of the cost of $79 you will bring your affiliate balance at $70 and have the payout at the beginning of the next month.

With these 3 simple steps, you have this wonderful SEO Book for $9 only and life time updates of the book if you subscribe. Of course you could wait a little longer and have the SEO Book for free if you generate at least 2 sales 😉 but who would want to wait that long to have this powerful book in his desktop to learn more about SEO? Or you can wait a little longer until I ask for permission from Aaron Wall if I can give the SEO Book as award in contest.

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3 Responses to “How to Buy SEOBook for $9”
  1. I think it’s worth the full $79 but if you can get it for $9 then why not! I’m on my 3rd read through at the moment although it’s due for another update soon.

  2. It is definitively worth every penny of the $79 bucks, but as you said if one can be evil enough and have it for $9 only…than why not? 😉