Do your SEO gradually

SEO Tutorials | October 5th, 2007 | 12 Comments

This is a search engine optimization (SEO) blog where I like to share my knowledge with other seo newbies that do want to learn seo basics. I would not call myself a seo expert and I don’t even take seo jobs even tho I have had several offers, offers which I have always denied. First reason why I have refused is because I have never considered myself a seo expert (not that I don’t know what I am doing, but simply because I don’t do search engine optimization for living), the second reason is because I do like my free time and I would like to conserve even those 5 minutes of my free time when I can and the third reason maybe it could be because I don’t want such kind of responsibilities.

But what I do like is share that what I know with the others, as I have many times said i prefer to test seo techniques before I post about that, and mainly I would post if it is really worth.

One thing that I have maybe missed to mention (maybe I have even mentioned, don’t remember) is to do your seo gradually. What I mean by doing seo gradually is that to give a time space between one change you make and another you are about to make. This includes changes you make in your website title, content position, outbound links and even inbound links (read on seo terms and abbreviations for unknown terminology that is used).

Many SEO newbies make this mistake to do the changes all at once and than later they don’t have a clue what seo technique helped them most during his/her search engine optimization work, or in worst cases, they have no clue which step affected in a negative way his/her seo. This mistake happens even from the so called seo experts that offer seo and directory submissions service which will submit your site to all directories within a day instead of doing it gradually (which gives a more natural way of building backlinks to your site).

3 reasons why to do your seo gradually

  • Know your mistakes
  • Learn which seo technique worked best
  • Act natural

These are the three reasons that I can think of at this moment why you should do your seo gradually. But lets get more in depth and explain each reason.

Know your mistakes

If you work your seo gradually you will mostly know what went wrong during the seo process you were doing. In the worst cases you can localize and eliminate the problem which later can become fatal for your website and might result in SERPs penalization or even worst you might get banned from a particular search engine. This might happen because you are linking from a bad neighborhood site.

Learn which seo technique worked best

Lets say you did read the title optimization post and you put it in action in your site but you also did changed your metatag description for seo purpose and the image optimization too.

After the changes you made your site started to climb higher in the SERPs, but the worst thing is that you don’t know which seo technique helped you mostly, which one you could leave aside and use it for seo optimization of another keyword. But even worst is that you don’t know to which step the search engine gave more weight. By doing your seo gradually and making all the changes gradually with a week or so of difference it will take a little longer to see the results but the good thing is that you have learned how and what to do on your next keyword optimization.

Act natural

My third reason to do your seo gradually is because this will help your act natural in front of search engines eyes. This mainly covers the off page seo optimization, yes, the link building stage of your search engine optimization. I mentioned above the directory submission and this is the most dangerous part. With the latest story that google kills directories and has penalized a huge amount of worthless directories it would be dangerous to end up submitting your site in one of those directories.

A directory I recommend you submitting your site is the V7N Directory

But building mass backlinks in one same day it will certainly get into search engines attention, if you build backlinks gradually everything will look normal and natural to the search engines.

I hope you enjoyed this seo tutorial on SEO Optimization and if you would want to read the new tutorials subscribe to my full read RSS.

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12 Responses to “Do your SEO gradually”
  1. shy guy says:

    So I think this blog can help newbie like me..
    I know SEO is important and very important to get our blog/website to get traffic..
    I think my learning process of SEO only begin now..

  2. Collin says:

    Ya I am going to be another new reader to your site as I need to know SEO a bit more as well. You said the name of a plugin on Johns post today for popular posts where do you get it from.

  3. Hello shy guy and Collin, I am glad you find this blog helpful. After all thats the use of this blog.

    Colling, the plugin I was talking about is the Top Popular posts by Category, i linked to the site of the owner. Hope it gets of good use to you 😉

  4. Novice SEO says:

    This is an excellent post. I have always said that one of the most important parts of the SEO process is patience. This is a long term process and not an overnight fix. My blog is exactly what you are describing. I have used it to record what I have learned and what works or doesn’t work in the SEO process for a trucking industry website.

    This is great advice….. Like the tortoise and the hare… the slow one wins in the end.

    Remember – Speed Kills…… eric

  5. […] Do Your Seo Gradually – hits the nail on the head with this post about the SEO process being a gradual one. […]

  6. CatherineL says:

    Excellent post Astrit. I used to try to change everything at once and it almost always ended in disaster. From now on I will try to be more sensible.

  7. […] that doing seo gradually it will definitively help you experience those seo techniques source: Do your seo gradually, SEO Optimization | Search Engine Optimization […]

  8. Barbara says:

    This makes a lot of sense. It’s so easy to get caught up in what all one needs to do when beginning to blog. But like you said, how will you know what worked, if you do everything at once?

    Great advice.

  9. […] It might require longer time than hiring a seo expert or a whole seo firm, and if you can afford to hire one good for you, Aaron Wall the author of SEO book charges $500/hour (read it somewhere but if Aaron is reading this article and what I said is not true i would appreciate if he takes his time and comments), but if you can’t afford than you better sit down and carefully read this article, follow it step by step and at the end you will be able to do seo for yourself on the first site, the second, the third and more and more. Just don’t forget to do your seo gradually. […]

  10. […] tho I am big a fan of do it yourself I believe there are many other search engine optimization guys that do prefer to get the process to […]

  11. […] bet you remember my post recommending you to do your seo gradually. I have received couple emails already regarding that post and asking me if advising people to do […]