Google SERPs Case Sensitive

Google search engine, SEO Tutorials | April 21st, 2008 | 2 Comments

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I guess soon we will have to stop claiming that Google SERPs are not case sensitive. Rather your title is SEO or seo used to be the same, rather your anchor text would be seo or SEO used to be same thing for Google, they would not care if you use capitalization or no, but not anymore…seems like.

The other day I just paid some attention on the SERPs of Google for a very popular keyword in this niche, yeah I am referring to the keyword SEO (or should I rather refer to seo now?) and I did notice a drastic change for both keywords in the SERP results. It is not like 1 page had moved up or down, it was like three or more sites have different positions if searched on capitlized SEO or smallcaps seo.

I took a screenshot of both results and highlighted one drastic change, Aaron Walls SEOBook site. Where ranks as 3rd listing for keyword seo, while for SEO it is listed as 7th result. Here is a screenshot (click to enlarge, the original file is 1374px wide, so you will have to scroll horizontal)

Well guess what? I had my Personalized Web Search enabled (disabling the personalized search ranks 7th always). The fact is I did not had my coffee finished as of yet, mhr (lesson to all, drink your coffee before you login to your blog or do something heh :/).

In either case it was not really the fault of the coffee as I performed a search and found other websites reporting the same. After a chit chat via email with Aaron (thanks for reminding me about the Personalized Web Search that was on lol) i realized I was late in this news, and it was discussed in his seo training program forums like a month ago or so.

Here are some other resources that have spiked the case sensitive SERPs

Looks like no one can capitalize the answer NO to the question Is Google SERPs Case Sensitive?. Is this an attempt to make seo work harder? Will it really improve the search experience of the users? After all we all ask questions, and we all make presumptions since the one who has the answers will never really give an answer. What are your thoughts?

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2 Responses to “Google SERPs Case Sensitive”
  1. InterNet Age says:

    Interesting. I just searched Google South Africa and the number of searches for SEO and seo have a different number of searches.

    We will add a few capitals and variations when our batch of keywords run at the end of the month and update this post as we run thousands of words across 100’s of domains.

    Thanks again, enjoy

  2. anas says:

    i had posted in forum, link to directories but the result is not optimal… why?