Link Sales Business Not Over Yet

Make Money Online | October 3rd, 2007 | 3 Comments

Link sales business is not over yet, even after the penalizations many sites received by Google such as the drop in SERPs, not ranking even for branding name, directory penalizations PageRank penalization the market is so strong and in such a need of links that even that could not stop it. I could of imagine that the link sales business is strong, but that it could of become this strong even after the penalizations I could of not imagine.

The penalizations started to be taken seriously on April 14 when Matt Cutts published a post on his blog about how to report paid links. The post was obvious that Google search engine was telling to webmasters to stop buying and selling links. Than the penalizations took action on John Chow, who lost ranking in SERPs for keywords make money online and for his blog name John Chow (a low kick on the name, honestly).

It continued with directory penalization (a story which was called google kills directories) where many directories lost rankings for their branding name since they were rates as low quality directories, this penalization did not effected the PageRank update for October.

All these penalization did not put any fear to webmasters and did not actually effected at all on the link sales business, according to some reported stats the link sales business has went better than the previous months. John Chow reported that his best affiliate income for the month of September was Text Link Ads which brought him $1,850 of affiliate revenue.

Paul Barlow of the make money online blog made an interesting experiment with Text Link Ads. Where he actually explains how cost effective TLA is with their $100 free in links promotion for the text link ads starters.

These two examples clearly speak that the link sales business is not over yet, and that people still do buy text link ads and others still make money online from text link ad sales.

Do you buy text link ads?

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3 Responses to “Link Sales Business Not Over Yet”
  1. CatherineL says:

    I Astrit – I don’t buy text link ads, and I don’t pay for links. But, I’m thinking of adding them to my blog, after seeing John Chow’s success with them. I’m still glad that the spammy directories suffered though.

  2. Hi Catherine,
    Well John Chow apart that is monetizing his blog with ad sales through TLA hes main income is coming from TLA affiliates.

    I have since always categorized the wordcloud sites and some of the directories as a waste of time and no effect in any sense, hence the wordcloud sites were the first to get the penalization and their BUM went off very early.

  3. […] tho the link sales business is not over yet, Patrick Gavin of TLA is willing to push it even further for the holidays. If you […]