Building BackLinks Tip 7: Article Marketing

Internet Marketing Tips | November 28th, 2007 | 3 Comments

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The series of building backlinks tips continues and I kinda feel it deserved a category of its own. But on a second thought, it is better that all the building backlink tips remain under the seo tutorials category. Todays tip is about building backlinks with article marketing techniques.

Article Marketing to Build BackLinks

Article marketing can be presented in different shapes and methods, such as article directory submission on ezine or even guest blogging on another more or same famous blog as yours or simply starting a thread on a forum of the same topic as yours and write an article. Just as with communities where partecipating and sharing your thoughts is important to get known between other bloggers or internet marketers, article marketing and the submission of your articles on article directories is a great way to build readership and backlinks to your site.

The good part of article marketing and publishing your article on famous article directories (aside the traffic and readership) is that those directories are for a long time alive and under aged domains and are most likely going to be online for a longer period. This means that as the age of your published article grows the more value search engines will give to the backlink from that article and as older the article gets more likely is that that article page will receive a decent PageRank (especially if the homepage of the article directory is high) which means you benefit in PageRank and a permanent backlink from aged article under a aged domain, a great value for your SEO in the long run and a great opportunity to increase your readers base.

Most article directories such as ezine articles have strict rules that need to be followed before they approve and publish your article, mainly the rules are pretty easy to follow so it is not hard to get approved as long as you have a good article and that fits with their rules. Article directories allow you to also link with a certain page of your site and use your desired anchor text, of course it has limits as of how many links you can use to link to your own site.

For a blogger that has been blogging for a longer period to write an article and use it only for article marketing purpose is pretty easy as older bloggers can easily write articles on their niche so article marketing for them can be really easy to do. The better the article is the more likely readers of that article are going to follow the link of the author and get to your personal blog or website. If you are new in blogging or in writing articles all you need is a sharp eye and some money to hire a company that offers copywriting services to write the article for you. You can than chose to publish the article in your own blog, rewrite the same article to a certain point and use it on your article marketing technique and publish it in a articles directory and link back to your original article or homepage of your site with the desired anchor text.

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Article Marketing Robot

3 Responses to “Building BackLinks Tip 7: Article Marketing”
  1. GH3 Cheats says:

    You should make your titles more descriptive. Building backlinks 7 doesnt tell me much. Maybe Building Backlinks Tip 7: Article Marketing. Just a thought.

  2. Even tho leaving as not specified has performed great with CTR, i believe it would be fair enough for RSS readers that they deserve a more specific title to know what the article is about, hence, I have changed the title from general to more specific for all building backlinks tips.

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