What Happened To My Q1 2008 SEO Goals

Open topic, SEO Tutorials | April 3rd, 2008 | 1 Comment

It is not what I did planed but yet I am satisfied with what my Q1 2008 SEO Goals were and what I had to achieve for the first quarter of 2008.

I can blame weather, dog, cat or whatever comes up to my mind, but the fact is that the only person I can blame is myself for getting into too many things, trying to please too many people and not being able to do all that (and this is a life lesson to everyone, and it will suit best on a new post).

At the beginning of this year I announced what were going to be my SEO goals for the first quarter of 2008. When referring to seo goals of course I was referring to rankings on the search engines and mainly on Google search engine, and my ranking goals which I aimed for are the next

  • Page #1 keyword: Learn SEO
  • Page #1 keyword: SEO Tutorial and SEO Tutorials
  • Page #1 SEO Resource and SEO Resources

What Have I Done For My Goals

If you have been a regular reader of this blog then most likely you know how busy and how everything has been out of my control the past months. I kinda predicted that I will get really busy and hence I welcomed guest bloggers too. How ever lets take a look at where my rankings are today.

  • keyword: Learn SEO Position: 9 Page: First
  • keyword: seo tutorials Position: 9 Page: First
  • keyword: seo resource Position: 6 Page: First

What is missing from the list is seo tutorial and seo resources. These rankings have been obtained thanks to internal linking I have used in this blog along with other on-site optimization techniques such as the title optimization, eliminating duplicate content from your blog and content. This means that no off-site optimization has been used to obtain these rankings.

It might sound absurd to you that a website can rank better in the SERPs of the search engines by just using proper internal linking structure, and I will try to explain this with a new post so subscribe to my RSS feed to follow me on this subject.

If you do have a blog and would like to optimize your blog for search engines and obtain better rankings I recommend you reading seo for wordpress blog post, which is interlinking to other useful posts to seo optimize your wordpress blog, and its all for free.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post, and if you like to read posts of this blog via email and without ads you can subscribe by email.

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One Response to “What Happened To My Q1 2008 SEO Goals”
  1. Jagdu says:

    You’re exactly right, my site is about the city of Fresno and I’m always linking directly back to the homepage with my targeted keyword.