28 April PageRank Update

Google search engine | April 28th, 2007 | Comments Off on 28 April PageRank Update

Hello friends and readers,
It’s been already a week or so that i did notice a PR update in one of the data center’s of Google, today I can say that the PR update is done, or at least the new PR’s have been already decided and assigned, it will just take some time while the PR gets exported on tool bar and spread through the data center’s.

The proof of this new PR update can be checked by using a free web based PR checking tool, such as like Live PR, thats a URL i used to check the PR of www.namenexus.net , which has jumped from PageRank 1 to PageRank 3 even tho I did not worked hard enough to improve the PR for that site, had just some links on 2-3 PR4 site’s, so i should say that i am satisfied of the results.

I have also notice few of other sites that had a page rank 2+ that have dropped to pagerank 0, that is a sign that the PR update for those sites is close, it will just take some time the PR to be exported on the toolbar.

We are all enthusiast about this aren’t we? Well, soon i will have a question for all you web masters and surfer regarding the PR so come back soon and discuss this with me.

Sharing is caring!

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