Traffic from expired domain names

Internet Marketing Tips, SEO Tutorials | May 21st, 2007 | Comments Off on Traffic from expired domain names

This is not actually a seo tutorial, but it will certainly help you boost your website traffic and alexa ranking, and not necessary means it will last for short.

This technique was used by the old domainers back in the days when they would be practically “HUNTING” domains, wait for them to expire and backorder the domain name of interest. Once the domainer has put hands on the domain he would park this domain on domain name parking services provider such as Sedo, NameDrive (aff links) and make revenue from their brand new domain names with traffic built from their previous owners, easy as a candy.

Most of these domains will gradually loose traffic since the pages of that domain name will start to be removed from the search engines, people could stop coming back to that site because it does not give the informations that it used to give and so on. But a good amount of traffic will remain for a not longer, especially the traffic from backlinks, from those links placed on other sites from the previous owner. The traffic of the backlinks will last little longer thanks to the irresponsible webmasters that don’t track and check the sites that they have exchanged links with (many of these links will be there for a really long time and generate traffic to you).

You might think, well i am doing so much to generate all that traffic, and so has done the owner of that domain name, why did he left the domain name drop after he has reached success? The reasons can be many, he didn’t reached to renew his domain because he was short in funds, he was away and couldn’t check the notice from the registrar that his domain is going to expire, health reasons or many other reasons. The fact is, once the domain expires you are able to register it and have the benefits of the traffic that domain name generates.

Hope you did liked this read, even tho it is a old tip it still works.

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