Articles you have missed till 01-19-2008

Open topic | January 20th, 2008 | 4 Comments

It’s Sunday so its his turn, oh well. I have been struggling a bit to write about how to obtain better search engine rankings by using the power of your own website but I keep changing the article I am writing, and neither the weather helps much (yeah, let me blame someone else rather than blaming myself :P).

This past week has been interesting and pretty busy, working on several projects and than releasing a wordpress theme for sale as well as the affiliate program for, but aside that it was pretty interesting also here at SEO Optimization, so lets see what has been going on here at this blog.

Aside from these post that you have missed reading I would like to remind you that soon I might run another contest where as winning price I will be giving one leased copy of Blue Glory wordpress theme, so make sure you subscribe to my RSS to know when the contest will start.

SEO Recommendations

To know more about search engine optimization and search engine marketing I would recommend you reading Aaron Walls SEO Book. This ebook considered as the bible of SEO is in PDF format of 311 pages with the basic and more advanced techniques regarding Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Whats even better is that this eBook is being updated regularly as the search engine algorithm changes so it keeps you updated on the new techniques. Along with the ebook Aaron also gives you a nice list of SEO tools he uses and directories he considers worth submitting your site at.

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4 Responses to “Articles you have missed till 01-19-2008”
  1. CatherineL says:

    Hi Astrit – sorry you are struggling. And I feel guilty because I said I would write a guest post. And I will, but I’ve just been so bogged down with too much work at the moment.

    I’ll shoot you a few questions about it as soon as I’m free.

  2. Hey Cath no worries 😛 i am struggling because I just can’t find the right way to write it 🙂 I start from top than jump to bottom and back to middle blaah 😛

  3. I just found your blog through Blogging Experiment. I like it! Good information. I added your feed to my reader! 🙂


  4. Hi Scott, glad to have you around and thanks for the kind words.