Articles you have missed till 12-30-2007

Open topic | December 31st, 2007 | Comments Off on Articles you have missed till 12-30-2007

All these holidays and stuff have really disoriented me from my online ventures. I am pleased that I have spent more time with my friends and GF, but I am kinda sorry that I left my online ventures a bit too much behind my hands and eyes, indeed when I check the stats and I see the online revenue slowly decreasing as well as traffic and I know I could maintain the traffic consistent or even grow it (on this blog especially) it makes me a bit mad. I can’t blame the holidays or say that traffic crawled due to holidays, because I know thats not true (well at least not on some niches).

But lets see what did I managed to write up this past week and you maybe missed reading (I know you were busy hunting presents for those you love).

These are some of the articles worth to be highlighted and give them a read in case you haven’t. Also you might be willing to know if you have picked your keywords as of yet? 😉

SEO Notes

Would like to quickly update you that by eliminating duplicate content on wordpress as I advised you to do this blog has tripled its organic traffic on the long tail keywords as well as it has helped the blog to obtain better search engine performance for shorter keywords.

Also the hack on the WordPress Search Results Page is performing very well, even tho I would advise you to use the robots.txt for this as it will save you way much more hassle. You can find more seo tutorials on the appropriate category to learn seo.

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