SEO Book Business Model Changing

Internet Marketing Tips, Open topic | February 24th, 2008 | 4 Comments

Update: The SEO Book will be delivered for free to all members that will subscribe to the paid membership online seo training community

I was kinda surprised when I received an email from Aaron Wall (which I believe was sent to all affiliate registered members) that Aaron’s successful SEO Book business was going to change the business model.

So far we were used to the seo book to read it in a PDF format as it comes with the purchase (maybe even print it and read it somewhere else instead of in front of your computer in your free time…cough). The ebook is so good and has lots of those informations regarding search engine optimization as well as search engine marketing that in the course of the years the name was changed among the crowd, even tho the books name is SEO Book for most of the folks (me included) it comes natural to refer to this seo book as SEO Bible.

Well, we will have to get used not to have this eBook anymore, I am not sure if the ebook will be still available for purchase or it will be delivered as free any longer (sent an email on this regard to Aaron), but from what it looks it will not get updated as it used to before when the search engines would change their algorithm and the book would have included the latest changes and with the new seo tips.

The SEO Book change of the business model

Instead of the downloadable SEO Book in PDF format, users that want to learn about SEO will now be able to do it in a more interactive way backed up through a forum, which will have more the look of a consultation and service rather then selling a product for Aaron.

With this change of the business model I do see some good points for people that want to learn seo and most likely more work and hard time for Aaron Wall. The good point is that now everything will be more interactive, since the services will be based on a community forum you will be one step closer with the SEO Expert, Aaron Wall, and instead of sending him emails to ask questions about doubts you get while you were reading the SEO Book you will be now able to just comment on the threads and ask your questions.

The community will be obviously paid membership one, since it will be a online seo training program. The price for this training program through for paid members will be $100 USD per month. But if you rush now, for a limited time you will be able to subscribe for only $50 USD month. And knowing the guy either way $100 will be most likely worth, but if you can save $50 why not? 😉

There are already some hundreds of members registered in his forum that Aaron invited to help him get everything started, and this is why I mostly like community forums, different people, different point of views and different techniques to share. There will be plenty to learn.

Top Selling Affiliaters Get 3 Months Free

Thats right, if you are a top seller affiliater of the (now previously) seo book you can get 3 months membership for free, all you have to do is drop an email to Aaron with your affiliate ID and affiliate user to enroll.

Hard Time for Aaron

Not always true that running a training program where it is open for a unlimited number of members is going to be a hard time for the trainer (Aaron). Even tho the number of members could be higher than what he could handle to train it is always fun in communities and I believe he will have a great support from other SEO friends he has and that have subscribed to the community.

What might sound a bit scary is that all the training course can be exposed to the public (yeah, there are always some pricks out there, even tho the major of the folks respect Aaron) or even benefit out of his articles within the community.

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4 Responses to “SEO Book Business Model Changing”
  1. Hi Astrit, thanks a lot for turning my permalinks question into a wonderful, helpful article! You really explained the problem well and taught me a lot in the process. I definitely appreciate it!



  2. Hello Andrew,
    I thought it would be better to have it published for everyone 😉 as you might know I forget a I forgot to send you an email and let you know that I published a post about 301 URL redirect.

    I am glad this turned helpful for you and hopefully for others too.

  3. Syed Balkhi says:

    good point, though in my experience the keywords are always better especially in google because they tend to look in the domain or the url for the keywords as well and it sometimes gives you an edge over another site.

  4. […] the day when Aaron Wall announced that he was going to change the business model of SEOBook and instead of selling the SEO Bible – SEO Book – he will be offering seo training services the […]