Google AdSense With Lots of New Features

Make Money Online | September 21st, 2010 | Comments Off on Google AdSense With Lots of New Features

For the AdSense lovers and money makers, there are big news and some awfully great features to come with AdSense that will give more options, more ways to analyze and of course, possibility to earn MORE MONEY (yeah, I just capitalized that).

Wouldn’t you want your AdSense panel to look exactly like the Google Analytics panel, with all those fancy graphs where you can see your earnings performance, where you can filter out channels and compare them too.

Google AdSense New Dashboard Panel

Exactly, this is the first news coming out from the Google AdSense team, and I will get to the second one just in a second, lets first take a look at the new dashboard. Other then a new design, the new dashboard has much more features. As mentioned earlier, you can compare channels and see how the are performing, you can see which channels perform better and even see in a graph how your performance is improving while you are doing your A/B testing of your ad sizes and position.

You can filter the ads, and see the performance of your chosen ads over a day, week or a month period and see if you are doing better or your stats are crawling. Chose to see only channels from certain sites or multiple channels and compare them between, see the estimate earnings, the clicks, the pageviews and all the other useful information’s we already have with the old dashboard on AdSense but displayed in a graph as well.

I sent a beta test request to get accepted as well through this URL so I could personally test out the new interface and see if it has also included the that lovely “Create annotation” option as well as it has in the Google Analytics so I can mark the days where I make new changes and see how these new changes perform. If you want to see some screenshots the folks over at mytechquest have published some basic screenshots.

New Google AdSense Ad Formats, Wouldn’t You love Some New Formats?

I don’t know about you, but until now I have had to limit my designs to suit ad formats well on sites where I use AdSense only to make money online. And every time I had to hold back on an idea just because ads would not fit well there I felt like “arghh why the don’t have some new ad formats” .. i guess Google can read my mind too, of course I am just kidding. Anyway, soon to come ad formats are the next 960×250, 300×600, 728×300, I have seen similar ad formats being used…but I just can’t remember where I saw them.

Here is a cool video the Google AdSense team has created regarding the new ad formats, and you can see more videos over at Google Watch This Space

Have you had the chance to work with the new Google AdSense dashboard or to test out these new ad formats?

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