Articles you have missed till 12-16-2007

Open topic | December 16th, 2007 | Comments Off on Articles you have missed till 12-16-2007

Thanks god its Sunday (hah I know, i just said that), I have so much to do that time is not enough for me at all and as I don’t want to leave this blog without a post a day (even tho that would not be a seo tip or experiment) I was kinda struggling this last week on new posts. The articles you have missed series will save me this time and hopefully will manage to get some free time later today and write about something else too. But for now, lets see what you have missed reading this past week.

You may have notice that I have not mentioned all the posts that have been published the past week and you can also notice that I am trying to increase the daily posts number slowly and I will tell you why later on a new post.

New Changes

The much expected (i hope) and so much announced contact page has been finally created. Now you can contact me via a simple php form directly on my email, if your math is good ;), the numbers in the math are select from my birthday 26 August that way you will remember when is my bday 😉

Another change which ONLY Internet Explorer users will notice is in the top right corner, where all other browsers users will be displayed the “logo” (so to call it) to Internet Explorer users (all version) will be displayed the Google AdSense Referral banner for FireFox with Google Toolbar (yeah, get rid of IE and pass to FireFox). Mainly this is for revenue, and because I believe that every user deserves a better browsing experience and for that is needed FireFox.

Due to the fact that IE users see a different thing than the other browser agent users I was worried if this would be considered as cloaking or not, even tho I don’t believe since viewing the site from a lynx browser (textual browser) it doesn’t display either the logo or the banner, which should be fine. But to be more sure on this I thought I could drop an email to the Head of Webspam team of Google, Matt Cutts but thats almost impossible as there is no contact page or email given, it was impossible even if checking his domain name whois info as his domain guard privacy is turned on. From a quick search I found on some forums and blogs that people had his personal email and would of share it if one needed it, but after all if someone would have wanted to be contacted would write down his contact email, hence I did not signed up to ask for his email. Simple linking to his blog or pinging him it would put him aware that he got mentioned and maybe (just maybe) he will be willing to drop by and answer if thats considered as cloaking or not.

SEO Recommendations

As a strong believer that on page seo is your first step to SEO world in the long run I would recommend you reading the internal linking post and know more how to spread some love with your inner pages, and in addition a inner page title optimization for better search engine rankings with your inner page.

For more on site optimization I recommend you WebCEO, a seo software with which on site optimization becomes much easier with the reports on keyword prominence, keyword density, and some other important on site seo factors.

If your inner page optimization is something you have already done but you would want some more advice on search engine marketing I recommend you read Aaron Wall’s SEO Book, a 331 pages PDF eBook on search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM).

Soon to be updated the resources page as well with new informations. Until than subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe via email to read my blog daily.

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