Google online ads fired by Digg

Google search engine | July 26th, 2007 | Comments Off on Google online ads fired by Digg

The famous Digg Inc reader-powered news fired Google Inc. as its online advertising partner Wednesday and sign ups with Microsoft Corp to serve the small contextual ads through adCenter.

This is another success of Microsoft after the sign up of the high profile social network Facebook last summer. With Digg and Facebook under its belt, Microsoft may be able to seal deals with other social networking sites.

More than 9.5 million people visited the site in June to read, suggest a story or help vote a favorite onto a list of top news, according to data from comScore World Metrix.

Linux and Apple have always been two of the most popular things on Digg, while Microsoft, the RIAA, things like that, have been two of the most hated things,” Winfield said.

For Digg, though, this decision could backfire.

This post was inspired by the article of JESSICA MINTZ, AP Technology Writer found on Yahoo news

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