Google Searching Tips

Google search engine, Open topic | December 7th, 2008 | 3 Comments

Today’s post is an interview made with Matt Cutts (Senior Engineer at Google Inc) where he shares some of the Google search tips.

What you will see in this video might not look something new to you, indeed I have already blogged about it in the past like here, here, here and here. But however, watching this video will not only refresh your memory but you will also be able to see some new functions for which I haven’t blogged.

The nature of this post is not much related to SEO directly, but rather to user education and help others understand how they can perform a more precise search and to obtain better results during the search. From the other side, the video (and the linked articles) can help you understand pretty much on your optimization process (many people will perform precise search queries, optimizing your site the right way will definitively bring you traffic even from exact/specific search queries too).

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3 Responses to “Google Searching Tips”
  1. chronis says:

    thank you for providing tips about Google search .

  2. Educating people as to how to use search engines more effectively should be on top of the agenda. Cool video, thanks for posting it!

  3. Web Design says:

    Nice Video. Thanks For Sharing tips Of the Effective Searching Tips