No Keyword Found ?

Open topic, SEO Tutorials | September 4th, 2007 | Comments Off on No Keyword Found ?

When you already start to get known with the SEO technology you get aware of the fact that all the SEO is around keyword. What SEO’s do is to optimize a website for the search engines and climb up through the search engine rankings.

Have you ever thought how many times you have mentioned the word keyword when you were talking with a friend or in webmaster forums about SEO? Lets see, keyword in title, keyword in anchor text, keyword in domain name, keyword in description, keyword in h1 tag, keyword in image alt tag..its everywhere, it makes you think that SEO is keyword while the truth is that SEO is a practice to optimize search engines for the given keyword by applying techniques that search engines like.

Not always we end up to the right keyword, actually many times we discover new keywords that perform for our site well later after we launch the website. Keywords are so weird some times that they don’t even make sense, lets take for example the abbreviation term of search engine marketing – SEM. Now if we wanted to target the keyphrase search engine marketing since the beginning we would have a tough time since that keyword is very competitive but has over 1 million of queries. We would rather target a keyword with smaller queries and less competition and in this case that would be SEM which performs little over 14k keyword search queries. And we feel that is pretty competitive for us too so we go further to find a less competitive keyword for search engine marketing audience, that would SE Marketing which does make sense (Search Engine Marketing) but hold on now, this keyword performs only 51 search queries a month, this is not what we want. Digging deeper we end up to find that the keyword SEM Marketing has 109 queries monthly. It has double more search queries than SE Marketing which does make sense, while SEM Marketing would actually mean “Search Engine Marketing Marketing”. NOw you get what i mean with keywords are weird sometimes.

But how to search for keyword?
If you are in a tough niche and you have trouble to find the right keyword for you since the main keyword is too competitive and you don’t have the months or even years to compete for that keyword you can start with a less competitive keyword (as given in the example above). But how?

Use a free keyword selector tool such as the Google AdWords Keyword Tool which is a powerful and great tool, and more yet it is FREE 😉 or you can use the overture keyword tool but this tool is inaccurate. My favorite FREE desktop keyword selector tool is GoodKeywords.

Once you have decided which tool to use find the most competitive keyword of your niche (we will follow the example of the keyphrase search engine marketing). Enter keyword into your keyword selector tool and perform a keyword search. The keyword selector tool will show you a list (at least with GoodKeywords) keywords, the main searched keyword with the amount of queries performed and the variations for that keyword with the queries performed.

Select your keyword carefully, make sure to select a similar keyword that once when you will reach the goal and be able to win the competition for that given keyword to be also able to use variations and continue the competition for the most competitive keyword too later on. Or the second variation is, to select a keyword that in somehow can be used in combination and create more keyword. Some times it is better to rank #1 for 3 lower competitive keywords instead of 1 high competitive keyword (might be wondering what the heck am I talking about?).

Ok lets take a close look to this article and see the keywords that have been used

  • keyword and keywords (88269 queries)
  • no keyword found (1762 queries)
  • keyword selector tool (1928 queries)
  • keyword search (8117 queries)
  • keyword tool (1641 queries)
  • no keyword (1625 queries)

These are the few keyword combinations that have been used within this article and all started with the keyphrase used in the title no keyword found. It is much easier to start making combination with your keywords once you get used, at the beginning it will be tough and all your article will look like keyword spamming, but using properly the keywords in a sentence will make things all natural and yet the density of your keyword within the article will be high enough.

Thats so far about how to find your keyword and make combination with it. Have something to add to my post? Feel free to comment i will appreciate and will be glad to comment back.

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