Market Samurai Review | SEO Software

SEO Software Reviews | June 14th, 2010 | Comments Off on Market Samurai Review | SEO Software

Try Market Samurai SEO Software now for free!

Market Samurai review is the today’s post. Some of you might have heard about this SEO software already, few of you might have purchased it and already know how it works. This is a very powerful keyword research and seo competition analyze software. Those are not the only features that Market Samurai has, but we will see the other features in a second in this review.

I don’t remember exactly where I heard about Market Samurai the first time, but the truth is I never regretted the money I invested purchasing this software. Not only it has helped me to find high search volume keywords with less competition but it also helped me to determine the weakness that the competition has so I could take advantage over that and outrank those 10+ yrs old sites with my very new site. But lets take a look at the features that this SEO software has and the benefits you could have from its features.

  • Rank Tracker
  • Keyword Research (this is a very powerful keyword research tool)
  • SEO Competition (yet another powerful feature of this seo software)
  • Domains (NEW feature added just recently)
  • Monetization (useful for make money online websites and landing pages, easily integrate affiliate links and find products to promote)
  • Find Content (i rarely use this option, but it is a good one if you intend to find content, spin it and republish the spinned content)
  • Publish Content (feature to publish content to your website)
  • Promotion (easy find articles and places based on your keyword search where you can comment and leave a backlink to your site)
  • AdWords (soon to come feature)

Rank Tracker Feature

With the rank tracker feature you can setup all the keywords you intend to rank for and monitor your search engine optimization success. You can update the ranking data any time you want with a simple click (I would recommend not to overuse that button..).

Market Samurai Keyword Research Tool

This is the feature I mostly like with this seo software. You can simply create a project based on the core keyword, select few features to filter the data, based on daily search volume, AdWords CPC, SEO competition, number of words in phrase and many other parameters that can refine the results and help you focus only on easy to rank and high paying keywords for your niche website. You can also assign negative keywords to refine your search and speed up the process to gathering seo competition data.

In the above video tutorial on keyword research with market samurai you can see the features and how this software works. Pretty neat, isn’t it?

SEO Competition

Once you have found your niche keywords that you believe are worth to rank for then it is time to check for the SEO competition for that keyword. What this feature does is check the first 10 ranking websites in the first page of the Google SERPs and pull all their data. Including age of domain, last time site was cached, number of pages indexed, number of inbound links to a specific page, overall inbound links to the root domain, on page optimization factors and much more. In addition, with this feature you can also pull a precious information, spying your competitors inbound links and find out which sites link to them and with which anchor, this makes it easy to “replicate” their seo effort and improve it to out rank them.

Knowing what has worked for those sites that are already ranking, is a really precious information, and doing all that manually could take hours, but with Market Samurai you can pull that data in just about 5 minutes and start searching for links from those sites or similar ones (or even better if you can).

Domain Research Based on Keywords

If you are an old visitors of my SEO blog then you have most likely come across to one of my most visited posts regarding keywords in domain. There are rumors spreading out (mainly from the seo gurus) that keywords in domain doesn’t help, yet, the same people suggest you use keywords in your permalinks. The truth is that, keywords in domain DOES help, however if you are after branding mostly rather then just ranking for a certain keyword then keyword rich domain is not something you should aim for.

Kinda went off the topic, however, the domain research feature of market samurai will give you results of free domains to register based on your keywords. Thing which makes it much easier to find good and keyword rich domains for your niche website.


These are mainly the features I do like and do use very often when starting a new project or expanding the site into different sections and tracking down keywords with less competition and good amount of search volume. I strongly recommend you purchase Market Samurai.

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