SEO and Aging

SEO Tutorials | November 5th, 2008 | 6 Comments

It happened to me in the past and I believe it happened to many of you when you first started thinking seo-wise about your new website, “I have build so many backlinks, I did read every single blog that blogs about SEO and on-page optimization, how come my site still doesn’t rank in the SERPs of the major search engines?”.

On many of my search engine optimization subject I have blogged I had to mention a word… patience … patience doesn’t apply as: Build it and wait, constant work is required of course, but do not expect to find your website in the top10 on the major search engines for your keywords, it requires more time then what you might think, often even months.

In case what I am saying doesn’t convince you and you do have few bucks on your pocket which you would gladly invest (invest in knowledge of course) then pick a term that is not that competitive but that does have a decent search query, make sure this term also have several other keywords you would be able to target too (just to avoid a penalty in case the search engine notices that all your backlinks are pointing to the same URL and with the same keywords in the anchor of those links).

Now build your site with SEO in mind, on site optimization that is, proper use of keywords in the title and possible combination’s (read how to optimize your title for more advice), use of heading tags (h1, h2 etc) to determine the importance of a paragraph, keyword density in your content and of course build a healthy internal linking structure. Now you would be ready to start building backlinks to your site.

In your first stage of building backlinks you will most likely see your website jumping to the first pages of the search engines and its then when you will feel like God and taste your success (a good feeling, isn’t it?). In just as short time as you got in the first pages you will see your site vanishing from those pages (and thats when you will feel like you have wasted your time) but that should not let you don’t or even worst make you stop working.

As time passes make sure that you build a link or two every week (remember, we choose a low-competitive keyword to target, more competitive keywords will definitively require more then just 2 links a week). At the time you have built 8 more links since the day when your website vanished from the first pages of the search engines a whole month has passed, and that means that your website is now 1 month old and the first stage links that you did build for your website are one month old too.

After the third month (don’t take my word on the numbers, it cold take even 4 months) you will notice how your website is slowly getting back to the SERPs and climbing slowly. Each link you build and gets aged you will see your website one step higher in the SERPs.

Yet one more prove it could be a slightly different text. Instead of building constantly links, you can build few links but from very strong sources (i.e. trusted websites that already have a decent age and a certain ranking in the SERPs for the same or similar keyword) and let the website sleep, in addition add few other links from other websites and let the website sleep, as time passes you will see the sites ranking change.

More then just a tip, I would like you to read this article as an encouraging one in the hope that you will not let your self down from the first “failure” and stop what you started, because it really isn’t a failure. Search engines require time to gather more and more information’s to trust to your websites (just as you require more and more time to trust to someone).

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6 Responses to “SEO and Aging”
  1. cat says:

    I hear you man I had the same problem inspite to all my efforts I couldn’t do anything

  2. Internet Age says:

    I also have taught myself about SEO on various blogs, that has been my most reliable source of information for years.

    After you’ve structured your site for SEO, it is a process to finally make it on the first page of search engines, but it’s all worth it.

  3. SEO is about on site optimization for your chosen keywords, and then the long hard slog of building quality links to your pages from reputable, authoritative sources. Link building is non-negotiable, and needs to be an ongoing process.

  4. San Nayak says:

    You are true here, search engine takes time to trust and send more traffic so be patient and keep adding content in order to do well in future. Don’t get duped at honeymoon period, it normally stays for a while only, it settles down later.

  5. Kamal says:

    I agree with your blog. Very nice post. I like it!..

  6. Jan says:

    Plenty of people experience this (as you described in the post): Get top rankings for particular phrase, then after a week or month these rankings are gone. This is what people usually call Google Penalty. 🙂 Well… it’s just natural process.

    I’m just starting two new websites and I know what’s going to happen… it’s a little frustrating, but on the other hand the final effect is worth waiting and trying 🙂 .