It’s Shaking, It’s Rolling, It’s Coming… PageRank Update

Google search engine | January 11th, 2008 | 4 Comments

And the thread got flooded, new threads, new reports, new happy faces…and more worried ones and enthusiast to know whats the new Page Rank of their website going to be.

Thats right, more and more people are reporting that the first PageRank Update of 2008 is close to arrive, and several Google datacenter’s are updating PR for several pages, and as always the first signs are on the new websites that are passing from PR N/A to PR something, and as always the established sites that already do have PageRank are going to be the last to update.

Looks like soon we will have a new PageRank update exported and it is going to be the first of 2008 this January, even tho there was a big discussion about PageRank Yay or Nay.

Wish to all (those that care) a great PR score on this update 😉

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4 Responses to “It’s Shaking, It’s Rolling, It’s Coming… PageRank Update”
  1. CatherineL says:

    I gave up on getting a decent page rank ages ago. No matter what backlinks I get, they don’t seem to count with Google. It sucks.

  2. Well I actually (if needed to) build backlinks for serps mainly. But of course, it is like shopping if you need a bag for your red shirt than you are not going to buy a yellow bag, but rather a red bag. In other words, building backlinks from high PR websites that are of the same niche, and that don’t have a big amount of outgoing links will give some PR juice back to you.

    I will see if I can come up with a post in regard of this 😉 I think I should get you as “new topic” tutor hehe 😉

  3. CatherineL says:

    Hi Astrit – a tutorial would be very useful. I will admit, I don’t put a lot of effort into optimising my personal blog at all. But, I should be.

    Guess what – it looks like the main page of my blog has gone down from PR 3 to PR 2. And the homepage of the actual site has gone down from PR2 to No rank. It sucks.

  4. Yup i did notice that Catherine, even this blog went from PR4 to PR3 heh 😛 (made bad shopping this quarter, lost two nice PR5 backlinks).