Website title & SEO

SEO Tutorials | November 12th, 2007 | 4 Comments

SEO Optimization recommends you reading SEO Book, 331 ebook in PDF with useful search engine optimization tips and search engine marketing guide.

If you have read the SEO Book of Aaron Wall you have most probably came across his advice on making the title more inviting for humans (aka visitors that perform a search query on the search engine) as that definitively increases the click through rate, in case you haven’t read Aaron’s SEO Book than it is time that you do.

His advice makes sense and it is being proven to work, and I have no rights to contradict him on that but what Aaron might have been missing to remind himself about is that not everyone has the amount of backlinks that his site has to rank that high in the search engines for different keywords such as seo, learn seo, seo book (where he is the authoritative site), seo blog and many other seo related terms. The number of backlinks that Aaron Wall’s site has it sure does permit him to rank high for those terms even tho most of those keywords are not present in his title (’s title is: Become an SEO Professional & Dominate Google Starting Today : SEO

Having a inviting title such as Aaron Wall’s will perform much better in click through rates as it is more intriguing for the visitors and gives a more descriptive title what the site is about, but for a new site that still needs some air to breath from the organic traffic that type of search engine marketing it is hard to achieve. In my believe a site needs to first rank good in order to be able to increase the click through rate with a more descriptive title.

Few days ago I received an email from a new online mate of mine for which I did worked for a WordPress theme design. His concern was the sudden drop in traffic and of course I understand him to be worried enough and have doubts on the theme I had, even tho his layout has the exact identical coding structure as the SEO Optimization’s theme has. After several email exchanges I did notice he had changed the title of his homepage from a short and keyword rich into a more descriptive but with stop words in it (read search engine boolean operators).

If in the title optimization I forgot to mention how should the keywords be positioned to give the maximum weight than I will explain that here. The main keywords that you are willing to target and compete for in the search engine page results should be placed at the very beginning of the title. Lets take for example this blog, I was willing to target the keywords “SEO Optimization” and hence I have placed the keywords at the very beginning of the title. If I was to target only the keywords SEO Optimization I would have rather used a title as “SEO Optimization” only instead of “SEO Optimization | Learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO)” to increase the keyword density in the title but in that case I would have been a fool.

When optimizing your title for search engines you should not concentrate in one set of keywords only instead of write a title with Aaron Walls advice in mind but give the space to be able to rank for several keywords as well in the near feature. With a title where I would have used only the main keyword I would have been able to compete in the SERPs with the title only for two (possibly three) different terms, which are

  • SEO Optimization
  • SEO
  • SE Optimization

Competing in the SERPs with only three phrases which two are really of low query value this would have been hardly breathing with the amount of organic traffic it was going to get. Using a smarter title format which was going to permit me to rank for more than just 3 phrases in the near feature was the right decision, hence I wrote my title as SEO Optimization | Search Engine Optimization (SEO), but even that was not good enough after reading Aaron’s advice so I decided to make yet another change to my title which would make it more inviting and also give me the possibility to compete for more keywords. Lets see the combination options for title as “SEO Optimization | Search Engine Optimization (SEO)”

  • SEO
  • SEO Optimization
  • SE Optimization
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine SEO

Most of the combinations drawn above are not very competitive but yet can get me the necessary traffic to my SEO Blog to breath and move forward. But that was not enough as I said, and I wanted more space to be able to rank for more combinations than the above drawn ones, so lets see the combinations I could come out to rank for with the new title “SEO Optimization | Learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO)” apart the above drawn ones

  • SEO
  • SEO Optimization
  • SE Optimization
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine SEO
  • Learn SEO
  • Learn Search Engine Optimization

With one word I added to the title I expanded the keywords for which I can compete for from 5 to 7, both Learn SEO and Learn Search Engine Optimization terms can bring me that extra free targeted organic traffic that I could enjoy of and get more readers to the blog. That additional word in no means it hurts my current rankings for the keywords “SEO Optimization” and instead it makes the title little more inviting than what it used to be before and hence the click through rate has actually increased even with the current position in the SERPs.

As I said at the beginning of this article, i am not by any case contradicting what Aaron Wall says, what I am saying is that you can play with such titles and market your site on the SERPs when you have the needed amount of backlinks to rank for those keywords.

If you want to have a really great read about search engine optimization that you must read SEO Book. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my RSS feed to read my SEO blog on daily basis.

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4 Responses to “Website title & SEO”
  1. Mike Huang says:

    It’s my first time here on this blog and I gotta say, I’m loving it already. I’m a new blogger and I’m slowly understanding SEO thanks to blogs like these 🙂


  2. Edward says:

    That book is very nice indeed, one should buy that book if he/she wants to be success in blogging

  3. Hello Mike and Edward, it is always good to see some new names around the blog.

    I am glad you like this SEO blog and hope to see you guys more often around.