Sometimes, a hug is all what we need

Open topic | November 25th, 2007 | 6 Comments

What a lovely title isn’t it? Well it is not mine, it is a headline title of the Free hugs Campaign, a site which I found through John Chow.

It is true that in this age of disconnectivity and lack of humanity we suffer from that touch and get to be hugged less than ever as we grow (well, we got other types of hugs as compensation so its fine). Being hugged means being loved and to have the attention of others, and if we need that in real life, we certainly are in need of that in the blogsphere, we need the attention and we need the love from our fellow readers. Without are readers the blog would be simply blank even tho we post every day, or even twice or three times a day, we need that signal that people give us attention, and without them you would most probably not be able even to make money online if thats your dream. So, it is all about traffic (aka attention aka readers).

rssHugger for some attention

There are zillions of ways to bring some attention to our blog, remember the BlogRush buzz? Thats one way to bring attention to us, than there is feedburner and many other feed burning websites but there is hard to find the right one, and some times jumping right on time could be the right one for us.

rssHugger is that new hug that you might just need. Even tho the service is pretty new and not many are able to tell how effective it is, I still believe it is the right time to jump as there are only 94 burned feeds. The low number of rss feeds could be a great opportunity to get into the top of the top100 (always better into top10 no?) and receive a decent traffic if they succeed in building traffic. The fact is tho that it is a great opportunity to get known among other bloggers on the blogsphere.

The top 100 list resets monthly to give everyone a fair chance to be listed on monthly basis, which is really good as the more views you get the higher you rank, but first you need to be viewed in order to rank.

It costs nothing to burn your feed with rssHugger, actually if you write a post about them, just as this one, you get to burn your feed for free. If you don’t want to write, than thats fair enough, you get to pay $20 to burn your feed for 10 years and have a page on it. Take your chance and get some hugs too.

To be loved you need to first love, and if you love this blog than subscribe to my RSS feed reader to read me daily.

Sharing is caring!

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6 Responses to “Sometimes, a hug is all what we need”
  1. Nelson says:

    Dude, the SShugger link has a comma instead of the dot. is not working.

  2. Collin LaHay says:

    You have been approved, but as Nelson stated, the URL has a typo in it.

  3. Damn typos 😛 Thanks for letting me know Nelson,

    Thank you Collin, fixed 😉

  4. CatherineL says:

    Hi Astrit – Is RSS hugger a thing you can use to subscribe to people’s feeds? I don’t have a feedreader yet, but I need one as it is hard to keep up with everyone’s blogs. Would RSS hugger be a good bet?

  5. RSSHugger is more like spreading your word, burning your feed. I don’t know what browser you use, but with any browser anyway, subscribing to feed readers is easy and it doesn’t need any kind of feed reader tool, you just need to subscribe via browser and your reads will appear in the toolbar of you browser.

    rssHugger tho it shares the latest titles that appear in your feed, it could be easy to surf among the blogs, see what their latest title is, and if their title is interesting enough to visit them. More than just having few blogs to be subscribed at, here you have a vast number of blogs and it is a great way to find out about new blogs and spread your word.

  6. […] Sometimes, a hug is all what we need […]