Google says STOP selling and buying links
Google search engine, SEO Tutorials | April 18th, 2007 | 3 CommentsNow this is an incredible thing, while was surfing on other seo and domain name forums I found a post that was linked to Matt Cutts Blog who is an engineer for Google since 2000, and I ended up on his post where he has wrote
One thing I heard at SES London was that people wanted a way to report paid links specifically. I’d like to get a few paid link reports anyway because I’m excited about trying some ideas here at Google to augment our existing algorithms. Google may provide a special form for paid link reports at some point, but in the mean time, here’s a couple of ways that anyone can use to report paid links:
– Sign in to Google’s webmaster console and use the authenticated spam report form, then include the word “paidlink” (all one word) in the text area of the spam report. If you use the authenticated form, you’ll need to sign in with a Google Account, but your report will carry more weight.
– Use the unauthenticated spam report form and make sure to include the word “paidlink” (all one word) in the text area of the spam report.As far as the details, it can be pretty short. Something like “ is selling links; here’s a page on that demonstrates that” or “ is buying links. You can see the paid links on” is all you need to mention. That will be enough for Google to start testing out some new techniques we’ve got — thanks!
On that same blog page, you can read and see the disappointment of many people regarding this, we do all know that advertising is the viral marketing on Internet, where would this lead the big advertising companies to? Should they go broke?
I would love to hear what everyone has to say about this new rule.
[…] was announced, we were warned, the penalties took action on some sites, but that was not enough to convince us, […]
[…] to report paid links. The post was obvious that Google search engine was telling to webmasters to stop buying and selling links. Than the penalizations took action on John Chow, who lost ranking in SERPs for keywords make money […]
Its good because all the cash rich webmasters had nice PR with worthless content.Google is coming down heavily on paid links.