The SEO importance of H1 (Header) tags

SEO Tutorials | April 8th, 2007 | 3 Comments

This is another topic that has been discussed for hounder’s of times, and yet, people still ask if Header tags (h1 h2 h3 h4) are important for search engine optimization.

Lets see what is the use of Header tags and why they are necessary for your site.
The header tags are VERY important for SE’s (Search Engine’s), they help SE’s to determine and understand what a page is about, so it can give a certain importance to that page while a user searches for determinate keywords.

The header tags should be used as Title of a content, it should be nice and be able to give a relevance of the content, what the content is about.

The moral, anything that can help Search Engines to give relevance of your content and your site is IMPORTANT. Of course, you would not want ot use Header tags on Images.

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3 Responses to “The SEO importance of H1 (Header) tags”
  1. Tina Shafer says:

    This was a good tutorial for me in building my first site. I’ve paid some good money for some horrible sites and have finally gotten fed up and decided i could do this myself. Thanks for helping me understand the importance of headers and not just tossing a topic headline on the top of my pages.


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