Wiki Jacking

SEO Tutorials | September 7th, 2007 | 4 Comments

This is the title that has been used around on the net and this is the title I will use. Most probably you have already notice this in the Google SERPs but in case you haven’t let me tell you something about Wiki and the SERPs of Google.

For the most competitive terms the pages of Wiki are ranking #1 and #2 (rarely under that position but mainly they remain on the first page of the SERPs of Google searach engine). It is a bit frustrating to be honest, imagine someone performing a search for the term web hosting service because they are looking for web hosting services provider company…and what they end up into as first results of the SERPs? A Wiki Page.

And this is not the only case of Wiki Page appearing as the first position in the Google SERPs, if you feel like Google is taking over the internet world than maybe it is time to think about Wiki taking over the Google SERPs for the most competitive keywords. In fact, the web hosting service keyword is not the only case there are other competitive keywords such as SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Marketing, Design where Wiki page is in the #1 of the SERPs, but as well as for other HIGH competitive keywords Wiki page is present in the first page of the SERPs such as Money, Web Design and many many others. Again, it is annoying.

But how they manage to do this? Rand Fishkin from can explain this better in a video, take a look (if you already haven’t seen this).

I haven’t been giving before but now definitively i won’t be giving link love to WikiPedia.

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4 Responses to “Wiki Jacking”
  1. […] mind when I first saw WikiPedia as #1 for keywords “web hosting service” (mentioned on Wiki Jacking). Even tho I don’t agree that an online encyclopedia website ranks #1 for a keyword that […]

  2. […] I’m been noticing a lot of frustration lately with the dominance of Wikipedia in search […]

  3. […] been noticing a lot of frustration lately with the dominance of Wikipedia in search […]

  4. […] been noticing a lot of frustration lately with the dominance of Wikipedia in search […]