WordPress Text Ads Plugin

Make Money Online | July 19th, 2007 | 1 Comment

On the yesterdays post about text link ads services on Bill paying web site Alex Choo let me know about the WordPress text ads plugin.

The WP Text Ads plugin is a WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to sell text link ads from your web site. More than just a plugin this looks to me like a perfect “billing software” that lets the visitors of your site to purchase text link ads from your site, the plugin will actually also remind the user when he/she will need to renew his/her text link ad spot once the billing period is over, i would repeat, a perfect billing software more than a plugin.

I had heard about this plugin few months back but I had no intentions to use it since i had (still have no intentions for the moment) no intentions to sell text link ads. But the great news is yet about to come.

If you remember on bill paying web site post i mentioned Text Link Ads Inc. and how it works (pretty much). Today instead, i want to speak about the WP Text Ads Marketplace Launch which is intend is to offer similar services as Text Link Ads. The difference between Text Link Ads and WP Text Ads Merketplace are few but the importance is big.

The launch of the WP Text Ads Marketplace was made recently and there for the database of advertisers is still small, while the database of advertisers of Text Link Ads is much bigger. The other difference is that the link buyers can’t buy text links from the WP Text Ads Marketplace, but instead will have to go to the advertisers website and purchase from there. While, the Text Link Ads Inc. members can purchase ads within the TLA website.

WP Text Ads plugin for WordPress has great potential (can’t speak about the marketplace but it seems promising too) and can help many bloggers to build bill paying web sites or even make money online.

Tomorrow i will speak about another company from where you can buy and sell text link ads (and not only). It is not a new company, and it is a direct concurrence to Text Link Ads Inc., while today i would like to invite Alex Choo to let us know more about the WP Text Ads plugin and the features that bloggers will have by using this plugin and the WP Text Ads Marketplace.

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One Response to “WordPress Text Ads Plugin”
  1. Alex Choo says:


    As promised, I would like to explain what WP Text Ads is and the benefits to bloggers.

    WP Text Ads is a WordPress plugin to help bloggers sell ads directly to advertisers. It’s like Dell for text ads 🙂

    The most immediate benefit to bloggers is that they pay zero commissions, and get paid instantly. Email templates are available to help users manage their business relationships with advertisers.

    I think it’s also pretty fun running your own ads campaign.

    WP Text Ads also has a Marketplace to let advertisers connect with bloggers. This is a critical piece of the puzzle as it gives bloggers much more visibility and allows them to be found. Plenty of traffic stats are presented.

    I know WP Text Ads has many shortcomings, and I’ll work on them over the next few months. It is a word in progress and I hope the community of WP Text Ads users will join me in improving it by giving me feedback.

    You can also read an article I’ve just posted about WP Text Ads.

