Articles you have missed till 01-13-2008

Open topic | January 13th, 2008 | Comments Off on Articles you have missed till 01-13-2008

Seems like everything just went out of order lately, and I have even missed the article reminder rounds as well. The round of articles you have missed has two main benefits, one is to remind readers that do not read this blog daily or the ones that have just landed on this blog, and the second reason is sharing some link love between pages.

Before I list the articles you have missed reading, i announced my Q1 SEO Goals back awhile ago, and on the list I mentioned i wanted to hit page #1 on Google for some keywords, well, I would like to announce that I managed to bring the blog on page one on for keyword Learn SEO and the keyword SEO tutorials is on the good road (once done with that, will try to bring the alternatives of the keywords in page one). And now back to the articles

What did you missed reading?

  • Win 800 Entrecard Credits – In this contest I am giving away total of 800 EC (EntreCard) credits for two lucky winners. First price is of 600 Entrecards and second winner wins 200 Entrecards. You are able to participate on this contest until January 15th (2 more days, so hurry up and headover to the post to learn about the rules)
  • Blog Money Makers – What do the real money makers by blogging have in common. If you can manage to figure out what is their power of making money you can most likely try to accomplish those same results of yours. Even tho, those bloggers were lucky enough to develop their blogs into something big as what they are now when things were much easier and you didn’t had to fear Google as much as you do have now, well you have to fear, they don’t…anymore.
  • Breaking my first RSS barrier – Watching the blogs RSS readers grow it sure does bring me some satisfaction, mainly because the RSS feed hasn’t been pushed by me or applied any incentives on people to subscribe to my RSS feed by running a contest or something similar, it is purely from people subscribing to the blog because they find the content on SEO Optimization blog useful.
  • Q1 2008 Page Rank Update – The most discussed, the most wanted and in the same time the entertainment tool that was most of the time placed in doubt. Google PR update has been finally updated for the first quarter of 2008 year (3 more for this year). Many sites have experienced downgrade and some (mainly new sites) have experienced upgrades on the green toolbar, while that was happening for the other sites, the previously penalized ones didn’t moved neither up or down, seems like they were Frozen (I love this term, even tho it was back in the days when I used to go often on DALnet IRC and people would get their nick frozen for abusing the servers, same thing happening now…got to locate again the IRCops and become friends? :P)
  • The $50 Directory Submission Poll Results – No comment, it was your poll and you voted.

SEO recommendations

Aaron Wall on his popular SEO Book (which was recently updated) describes more indepth SEO and has some good techniques about search engine markeitng. This is the only ebook that is not meant to be making money only for Aaron Wall, it is a book that gets update regularly as the search engine algorithm changes and he regularly updates with new techniques that work. The book doesn’t cost much at all, for the price it is selling I would actually say it is bargain.

WebCEO is also an advanced and very good SEO software with which you can do lots of things to improve your on-site optimization such as measuring your keyword density, optimizing your title, and some other interesting factors and all this comes for free, while with the paid license you get access to more functions, such as keyword tracking, monitoring your competitors and more.

Hope you enjoyed reading SEO Optimization, don’t forget to subscribe to my RSS feed if you want to read this blog daily.

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