My Personal Ramblings – 01/27/2008

Open topic | January 27th, 2008 | 9 Comments

From the author of the SEO bible, SEO Book, Aaron Wall, a complete online seo training course.

It is indeed Sunday and it is the turn of Articles you have missed reminders, but I decided that today the Articles you have missed reading deserves a free Sunday (it is really not easy to work every Sunday, so I hope you understand) and to have some personal ramblings as of today with some changes that I have made on this blog, what is new and what you will be able to see soon on this blog.

As you can notice on the sidebar’s top here at SEO Optimization the layout looks more clean as I have removed the social media and some other feed burning buttons to give more clean and better appearance to the Feedburner chicklet as well as the subscription via email. When a new blog is being started you have to try all the given options, even if those options will make your blog look ugly a tiny bit but it will definitively help you understand what does and what does not work for you. After almost a year now I decided to remove those feed buttons and keep the look more pleasant and appealing as I want to concentrate on that more than on anything else.

Another change here you will notice by scrolling lower on the sidebar, there is a small banner welcoming guest bloggers and it is linked to the register feature. The banner is not that high positioned as I am not aiming mainly on guest bloggers but I am definitively welcoming guest bloggers that do have quality on-topic articles that would like to publish here. While we are on the on-topic articles you will also notice that the banner is positioned right under the categories, intentionally to remind you that you have to concentrate on those categories if you are willing to guest blog here at

Since we are here at guest blogging let me explain you how this work. To make things easier and rather then receiving the article by email and then contacting you for the “author note” (which is that brief description about the author and linkback to authors homepage with the authors desired anchor in smaller font) and only then publishing the article, all registered users have Contributor access to this blog. As contributor you are able to write an article, edit your own articles and submit them for review, this means that your article will remain on draft and awaiting for me to read the article and approve/publish it if its on topic or no. What I am kindly asking guest bloggers is to not use this blog as source of gaining backlinks and flood their site/s with backlinks from the article, as well are not allowed your affiliate links (it is not a blog from where you can make money, but rather it is a blog from where you can gain some popularity). Said this, whoever thinks he/she has an article and would want to guest blog here feel free to register and submit your article for review.

Off-site changes.. keep me busy on publishing here as often. It is time consuming the coding projects and they don’t really give me much of free time. Just wanted to highlight this and apologize to those that are used to see new post here at on daily basis. On curious thing to highlight also is the fact that once again I proved that not feeding spider bots with fresh content (when you don’t have great search engine rankings for highly competitive keywords) influences the organic traffic (the traffic coming from search engines). Some news and changes will reflect my other business, xhtml coding, but I would rather not bug you guys about that here. But i would anyway like to give you this news that the price of Blue Glory has dropped from $65 per leased license to $45. This drop was mainly to my low marketing of the theme which resulted in low sales, but as there will be a new layout for sale soon I am willing to first sell all copies of this theme before I even place for sale the next layout. On this note, you (and another one) may have the chance to win Blue Glory WP theme for free if you participate on the contest.

Upcoming… next articles here on SEO Optimization will treat a seo myth regarding static layouts vs dynamic sites (or rather blogs which you can easily often update). Thats as far as it regards the first article, I am not going to say anything more about that so wait for it tomorrow. The second article will be some tips on seo for wordpress by highlighting some tips that have already been published here and some others that I have maybe missed highlighting and giving the needed voice.

Hope you will subscribe to my RSS feed (or have it sent to you via email) and read my upcoming articles on real time through your preferred feed reader. Thank you again for reading

Sharing is caring!

Article Marketing Robot

9 Responses to “My Personal Ramblings – 01/27/2008”
  1. I look forward to those changes. Goog luck with the guest bloggers.
    Please feel free to visit my blog @ and see what you think. Also if you are interested view our popular feeds page as we would love to add you to our sites widget.

  2. Well it looks like the guest blogging starts well, with a spam comment and without even reading the article 😉 (because the changes are already on the site).

  3. do you or somebody have some of these seo ebooks in german or french?

  4. Hi Guitar, thanks for the kind words. Yeah i understand you completely 😉 thanks again.

    Suchmaschin, nope sorry don’t know of any seo book in German language. Maybe someone does and will reply, hopefully.

  5. Steffi says:

    do you or somebody have some of these seo ebooks in german or spain to?

  6. Hi Steffi,
    I don’t have the ebook in german and I am not sure it has been released in german language either, unless someone has translated it.

  7. Steffi says:

    unfortunate me strives saves the whole wanted in 2 spoke to translate. but if I created it then nevertheless once become I it here with you in blog the post.

  8. I am not sure if I got what you mean. If you were referring to a blog post about the new language, yeah thats fine, as long as you have permission from the author to translate the ebook.

  9. t-shirt says:

    No unfortunately there’s no translation into german.