FireFox 3 Alpha 4 – code name Gran Paradiso

Open topic | June 9th, 2007 | Comments Off on FireFox 3 Alpha 4 – code name Gran Paradiso

Next-generation FireFox browser has released a preview of FireFox 3 alpha 4 (Gran Paradiso) for download, this is a developer preview release only and it is not intend to be used from non-expert users. This release is meant for developers interested in contributing to the next Firefox, along with testing the new version.

Mozilla says about the logistics

Gran Paradiso alpha 4 is a developer milestone for the next major version of Firefox that is being built on top of the next generation of Mozilla’s layout engine, Gecko 1.9. Version alpha 4 includes the FUEL Javascript library for extension developers, cocoa user-interface improvements, improvements to offline application support, and other new features.

For now, i will stick with FireFox 2 and wait for the experts to play with FireFox 3 alpha 4 and give their contribute in developing this new version of FireFox browser. I am enthusiast to see what is going to be new within FireFox 3.

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