If it works, why change it?
SEO Tutorials | September 25th, 2007 | 4 CommentsOkey this is a question I have always asked my self when I was about to change some parts of my website. And it is a good question, if there is something that really does work, why should we change than? Or at least, we have to have a really good reason to make those changes.
The reason why I am writing about changes in your web is not casual, if you are a old reader of SEO Optimization you might have notice that with the change of my design and the presentation of the new design came also the changes on the title of the whole blog. In case you are not an old reader, you can figure out just by viewing all the indexed pages on Google by typing link:www.dnseo.net , you will notice that there are posts indexed as Post Title | SEO Optimization (the new format) and pages indexed as Page Title – SE Optimization – Search Engine Optimization.
But now back to the case, the main reason of the title change was to obtain rankings for the keywords SEO Optimization in Google (and in fact, at this same moment I am dancing between #3 and #4 in Google SERPs for that keyword) which was the MAIN reason of the title format change.
What happened after the changes?
Well after the change, as i said i obtained results in the first page of the SERPs of Google as top5 for the keyphrase SEO Optimization. Before me are ranking a Wiki Jacking Page and another seo site with PR 6 (I don’t believe it will be hard getting the #1 position since I have not done what many would expect to get as #3, but at the moment I am taking a break).
Another change that has happened, and unfortunately this one is negative is that due to the title change I have lost rankings for some of my inner pages. Even tho I am trying to build a effective internal linking scheme there are yet some really old pages that I can’t reach yet so Google hasn’t made the changes of the title to those pages (ex: google removing pagerank score ? post or the categories make money online, marketing and advertising, seo tutorials etc). The good thing is that the title format is slowly changing on the inner pages and categories slowly, but the time that has taken for the changes to start is a loss of traffic and there will be still some loss until all pages get finally update on the title format (and who knows if they will get back on rankings).
Now after all these changes, I hope the inner pages will get back to their original rankings they had, in case they won’t..the whole change to gain some traffic for the main keyword but lose traffic to inner pages will not make much sense. Lets cross fingers all will work well (luck? hope that crap exists).
In any case, seo optimization asks you, if it works…why change it?
Getting on the first page of Google was worth it Astrit and I’m sure your inner pages will only suffer a short term traffic loss.
I changed a lot of keywords in the content one of my websites a few months ago, and traffic dived at first, but it soon picked up again for the new terms.
Well lets hope they will pick up, even tho it has passed a long time and there are more than 120 pages that need to be crawled and updated. (haven’t checked how many pages have been updated today tho).
[…] probably remember the previous article if it works why change it well here is […]
[…] I had left behind hands the articles you have missed reading series since the day when I had problems with the server. Well its about time I start with the series once again, after all if it works why change it? […]