It’s March Already

Open topic | March 1st, 2008 | 10 Comments

Aside the fact that February is the shortest month on the calendar many things happened during that month that made February even more shorter and disordered.

At first the hosting server went all weird and I had to move to another hosting, now is being hosted by HostNine as I found it as the best solution and under reasonable price (not considering the coupon I used to save 50% for the first time purchase).

The change of server was not done in the right time, and the MySQL database was corrupt. I believe some posts are missing (most likely) but I can’t seem to find which ones are missing (hope non is missing). During the days when the blog was mis functional and the time I needed to move the host the blog was practically unreachable and this did hurt my search engine rankings. Actually i lost some positions for the internal pages and I even lost 2 positions for the main keyword SEO Optimization and in addition it kept me away from the seocontest2008 (now I am on the third page).

All this makes it clear to me that I can forget about the Q1 SEO Goals I did set up at the beginning of this year, unless I start to aggressively optimize the pages, thing which I would prefer to avoid, but it makes sweeter the seo contest competition 😉 more challenge.

Yet another thing I missed was to re-activate the top commentators plugin which right now I did (sorry folks) so I forgot to take note on the top commentators and thank each specifically. But thank you all for reading and supporting this blog. Thanks to those that do take their time to comment, and thanks to those that have subscribed to my RSS feed and email feed which keeps me motivated to publish new posts.

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10 Responses to “It’s March Already”
  1. Brad says:

    That sucks about your MYSQL database corruption!! Hope you fix everything 🙂

    I look forward to reading more of your content.

    Keep up the good work.

    Brad @ Brad

  2. Hi Brad,
    Indeed it was a big pain the database thingie, but I managed to recover everything (at least I think so).

    Now all that it put me kinda out of the ordinary way of doing things, so have to get my things back together and scheduled…blah 😉

  3. Im using resellerzoom right now for hosting. I like the fact that i can have seperate cpanels for each of my sites. They have been cheap and reliable for me.

  4. you can probably find out if pages are missing through google webmaster tools.

  5. I’ve found that Midphase have improved a lot over the last few months, no reliability problems at all (and cheap!).

    See you haven’t posted for a while, hope all is well with you!

  6. Hi Paul,
    Well health is just great, but I have been somewhat taken some space from blogging and mainly concentrating on other things (it all happened after the mess on the blog).

    We’ll see whats actually is going to happen 😉

  7. Yeah I know that feeling. I’ve just started 2 new projects, with 1 I made more money in 1 day than I’ve made 6 months “make money” blogging 🙂 Trouble is I feel guilty if I don’t blog for a while.

  8. Haha, you hit the nail Paul thats the exact same feeling. I will keep reading your blog for updates on this new project 😛

  9. seo man says:

    A lot of people had server problems in February including myself. Hmmm how odd.

  10. Gilbert says:

    Great !!! So it may be the key to get the benefit in SEO.