Learn marketing while watching a show

Internet Marketing Tips | August 18th, 2007 | 2 Comments

Who would of ever thought about this, actually I was wondering when someone would come up with something similar (if not someone had already came up, since i don’t live in USA i am not aware of the shows going on there). I believe this marketers show is available online only and not featured in local TV stations.

Okey, enough of mystery and using the phrase “this show” it is about time to give it a name. While i was surfing today and checking the regular make money online blogs, webmaster forums and other big guys blogs and sites i came across this beautiful show. What I do like about it is not the show as it self, but how many things you can learn just by sitting back and watching the show online (yeah I know you are addicted to your computer, just like I am).
The show is called The Next Internet Millionaire and the guy who put all this together is Joel Comm.

Who is Joel Comm

Joel Comm started as nobody and became a millionaire on internet within the past twelve years, he has sold a site to Yahoo, he did written a New York Times best seller AdSense Code. Joel Comm did not write only the AdSense Code book, he also wrote Chitika eMiniMails ebook, Google AdSense Secrets eBook (also runs a Google AdSense Secrets Telecourse), has also build AdSense instant Templates and many other useful eBooks on how to make money online.

Back to the show

On the Next Internet Millionaire reality show participate twelve contestants that will receive a expenses paid trip and learn from the masters of marketing while they compete for cash, prizes and the ultimate joint venture with Joel Comm. Exactly, the winner of the show will joint in the venture of becoming a internet millionaire with Joel Comm as co-worker.

The first episode is already released and you can head over to The Next Internet Millionaire website to watch the episode that is streamed in the first page (the episodes duration is 51 minutes). You can also download the episode (160MB) in your hard disk and watch it another day if you got no time at this moment.

Why watch this reality show?

This is not one of those nonsense TV reality shows you see, the show is beautiful and very informative where you can LEARN together with contestants from the biggest marketers. It is educative and very interesting for everyone that is in the make money online first stages and those that already work in the internet marketing (and not only internet marketing).

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2 Responses to “Learn marketing while watching a show”
  1. […] first post was Learn marketing while watching a show which got published Saturday 18th August while I was already on the trip to the seaside and the […]

  2. […] in the first episode i said learn internet marketing while watching a show in this episode i can say only watch how mean internet marketers can be. The second episode has […]