Kontera Face Lifting

Make Money Online | January 28th, 2008 | 3 Comments

I started with Kontera not awhile ago when I commented on John Chow about my Kontera not being activated. It didn’t took long after that comment and I received an email apologizing for the long wait (which later on turned as I had been accepted long time ago, but never received an email for the activation actually, whatever).

I am still actually playing with Kontera and optimizing it for this site (I have only this site submitted) but so far I did notice that the CTR on my Kontera double lined links performs better when the color of the links outstands (in other words, when it doesn’t wear any type of color that the rest of the layout has). I did also notice that there were like 1-2 Kontera advertisers that were overtaking my ads (even when not that relevant), once I blocked those ads the CPC slightly improved (even tho I am still struggling with cents). So far I can say that Kontera pays my website hosting bills (but it would be better when it will reach to pay also some of the advertisements or even better to sponsor a seo experiment). Said this, I am giving Kontera more time.

The face lifting

Since Kontera displays reports for the previous day when the current day is over (even tho sometimes it changes the reporting time) I usually login late at night to check the stats as I am curious to know what works better and what not. Well, surprise surprise they had a face lifting (website redesign). The part that was improved in design and functionality at Kontera was the user member panel.

Logging in to my Kontera account I noticed some new features that might/will definitively help on optimizing your Kontera ads, the features are the next

  • Earning Stats Graph

    The earning stats graph has been drastically changed and improved. Before I could check the earnings for the day, last seven days or for a date range and all the informations were just numbers of impressions, eCPM, CTR and earnings. Today aside the above mentioned informations I get to see also a nice graphical analyze of my earnings which helps me to understand better which days perform best and how are my earnings doing based on days, week or month.

  • Keyword Report

    This is something you have dreamed to know with your Google AdSense account, what would you give to know which keywords how much money bring you with your AdSense ads, be honest? Well with Kontera you get this data available and you can know which keywords have brought revenue to you, it does not tell you the money a keyword brings per click but it does give you a % of the keywords CTR, data on which you can base to find out which keywords bring you more revenue. The tricky thing is that it shows you data for the last 7 days only, so you better write down your data if you want to keep track of them.

  • URL Report

    This feature also is helpful, it tells you the URLs (posts) from where most of the clicks come from. This way you can analyze what performs better, a teaser post, a informative post or what?

What I don’t see, but I would have LOVED to see is the Referral stats. Knowing who you’r referrals are, how much they earn and how much you have earned could turn into inspiration for many Kontera users to start referring Kontera (but I hope they will be giving such data in the near feature).

Kontera turns out to be a good way of monetizing your website (even tho it pays cents per clicks) if you really can dedicate some time and understand how the program works. With just a small study and blocking some advertisers, playing a bit with the colors I did saw a slight improve in earnings even in a blog that doesn’t have a big amount of traffic (in a more trafficked site, a case study could be easier done and Kontera could turn out bringing a good monthly revenue).

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3 Responses to “Kontera Face Lifting”
  1. Vered says:


    This is Vered from Kontera.

    Thanks for the review of Kontera’s new Publisher Center :).

    We are still working on the Publisher Center and many more useful features will be added during the year.

    Publisher Services Manager

  2. Hi Vered,
    It is a pleasure to know that the Kontera staff is actually reading this blog.

    It was a pleasure to find the good surprise when I logged into my Kontera account just as it was a pleasure to report and let everyone know about all the informations they can have by loggin into their Kontera account (informations which can help to generate more revenue if accurately will be viewed).

  3. […] over my mind, but lets just say I wont even bother with that and will call it a glitch (after all, Kontera recently implemented a new interface so its most likely a glitch in their system), but still remains the fact that it doesn’t give […]