Stomper SEO Videos

SEO Tutorials | December 30th, 2007 | 2 Comments

When you are looking around and see everything is changing, even blogs are not anymore being used as main tool to provide informations to people but rather is being used as supporting too to publish your VIDEO messages. Thats right, it is becoming more common that people, webmasters, seo experts and business experts make video tutorials rather than writing them.

Videos can be harder to make for a common person, such as me, but not even that hard actually. Aaron Wall started his SEO video series on his blog. But someone more creative with videos is Andy Jenkins the Co-Founder of StomperNet. I have to admit I do like how he is presenting his SEO videos to his readers (after all he has worked as TV film editor), and the fact that he expands his knowledge into marketing along with SEO.

So far on StomperNet Blog you can see total of 4 videos, three which are useful of information and one video on which they are promoting their new browser called StomperScrutinizer, downloaded it and didn’t really liked so I had to uninstall it (sorry Andy). In Any case, is link to their videos which you can watch and a brief description for each video, which are really well combining SEO and making money online.

Double Listing To Double Your Traffic

This is the first video I saw of Andy and the first seconds of presentation were interesting enough to keep me watching the video (he knows how to keep your curious). The video teaches you or rather testimonies how Andy doubled his traffic on his website and tripled his online income by gaining double listing on the SERPs of Google search engine. His advice is really worth spending some time and reading it, when you rank in first page of the SERPs for a certain keyword you get a percentage of the click share as there are 10 websites being listed in the SERPs page. So if the being listed as #1 you receive 25% (but that depends also of how well you have optimized your description and title tag optimization as well), second receives 20% and so on. Now by having indent listing (indent listing is to have two URLs ranking for the same keyword in the SERPs, which means double listing and double traffic to your site) you will double (if not even triple) the traffic your site would receive for that same keyword.

This is how Andy did it, you can watch his video here.

Eliminating Duplicate Content

The second video Andy decided to use a cool animated personage to represent him (very creative) and he discusses duplicate content issues and he goes more indepth and explains how applying a boolean operator to a title or description does not mean that you have eliminated duplicate title as search engines tend to ignore boolean operators.

It is a really good and creative video which can help you understand better many factors of duplicate content, watch it now.

How to Double Your Conversion

This is the latest video Andy published (well, there was a previous one, but it is promoting their browser, but it is good to watch them both). This video doesn’t discuss SEO, but rather it discusses your on-site marketing and how to double your conversion by optimizing your website design for more for sales. The fact that they have a Cognitive Psychologist working on this to study visitors and deal with visual blindness assures you that what Andy has to say on this video is really worth money. Watch this video.

You can also follow these videos expanded into discussion at their StomperBlog in the old traditional write/read/comment way, and if you are more into reading than I would advise you read Aaron Walls SEOBook of 311 pages in PDF format which comes together with a nice list of directories and tools.

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2 Responses to “Stomper SEO Videos”
  1. CatherineL says:

    Hi Astrit – so many people seem to be using video on their blogs. I would like to try it but I’m still learning to use my camcorder.

    Some of the videos are great, but it can be a nuisance if you’re trying to read someone’s post very early in the morning and it’s in video form. I usually end up not watching as I worry i will wake up everyone in the house.

    Catherine PS: I would still like to do a guest post on your blog. But, can I leave it until a few days time, because I am really behind with my accounts and need to get them done pronto!

  2. Hi Catherine,
    I know it is the end of the year and accounts should be done 😉 no worries you can guest blog whenever you want 🙂