T3Leads – More Options For Affiliate Publishers

Make Money Online | October 4th, 2010 | Comments Off on T3Leads – More Options For Affiliate Publishers

Wouldn’t you want to have an affiliate network that would give you ALL the tools that you can immagine? And I am not referring to simple banner and textual link generator with your affiliate ID integrated, I am referring to full forms and even more (keep on following and you will find out what this “more” really is).

While I was helping a friend of mine to discover new revenue stream for her car related website I decided to search for “anything” car related that could bring affiliate earnigns (the site was already covered from PPC program and banner sales, so we needed something “extra” that would still blend with our site, be useful to our visitors and yet generate profit as well). It was a coincidence that in the same time I was approached by Daniel of T3Leads and letting me know about their latest platform and all the features included.

The sign up process was very clean and neat, it had a phone verification (on which you could choice from two options to be verified, via phone call or text SMS to your mobile phone). Within few seconds I already had my code sent to me via SMS and I could input the numbers in the registration form to be verified. You get to verify your phone after you have verified your email, which I think is a very good thing especially for advertisers as T3Leads makes sure that real and serious publishers are accepted in their program.

Once logged in I saw a very clean white panel with blackish menu bar and drop down options, which facilitate the navigation throughout the panel without having to wonder which way to go now.

T3Leads Panel

In the top right section you get presented with 3 tables of information’s, your user information and current total earnings, the second table displays your earnings of today, yesterday, last week, previous week and last month, so you can compare and see how your affiliate efforts are doing and how much money you are actually doing in a glance, without needing to go through reports (of course you can do that too if you want to see reports for different periods). The last table, and not the least is the info of your Account Representative, full name of A.R., email, phone etc. So in case you need help, you got all the ways to contact your A.R. right in front of you.

But lets get back to the sweet part, the tools that you get with T3Leads Affiliate Network.

Banners research & tracking ID

Just as with other affiliate networks that you might have been you get the regular options to create aliases (which are tracking IDs) to better track each of your campaign. Once created your aliase you can then head over to the banner search form, which lets you chose banners based on different specific features you like, such as;

  • Banners based on category niche (such as payday loans, auto insurance, students loan and much more)
  • Banner types: static rather then animated, textual banners rather then flash banners or you can simply select all
  • Banner shape
  • and banner size

I am specifically mentioning these features as it is a great time saver, a feature which I haven’t seen with other affiliate networks. I can simply chose the options that I need and get results of ONLY those banner types and sizes that I have chosen, so i don’t have to scroll through hundreds of banners of different sizes.

Integrated forms to your site

This is the part that I loved mostly and that would have fit perfectly for my friends car related site, the forms. As soon as I saw this I was already imagining a new page with one of these already made forms that have everything integrated, from A to Z. No need to send visitors to a different site and show them the form, show them the firm directly in your site and keep your visitors in your site.

Currently T3Leads has 8 form templates, from easy 1 step forms (longer format) to 2 steps or even 3 steps form (much shorter format). Which can be easily generated through a javascript and even easier integrated as simple as copy/paste within your page template.

Create an entire & powerful affiliate website

This is the tool option that mostly like with T3Leads, you can create and entire affiliate site based on a CMS that T3Leads will provide to you that is;

  • Easy to install – no time wasting and wondering what to do
  • Easy create unique content and publish it to your site
  • Hundreds of professionally designed templates to attract more leads and generate more revenue on your T3leads vertical (design matches your niche), pre optimized for the search engines, simple lead/money magnet CMS

The only thing that remains to your part is creating content and advertise your website (yeah, would be cool if they did even that heh?). You can see more benefits you could have as affiliate in T3Leads affiliate solutions page.

Earnings with T3Leads

The earning options available with T3Leads varies from the quality of leads generated as it is described in the Lead Programs page, were you can earn from a low $4-7 EPL up to $14-25 average EPL.

I haven’t yet integrated T3Leads on my friends site, as we are preparing the content and everything and most likely we will use the form (so we have to make it suit well in our site and blend) but I liked the platform and wanted to share it with you guys.

The only affiliate link you will find in this post is the banner bellow, so if you decide to sign up with T3Leads through my affiliate link I will appreciate it.

T3Leads Affiliate Network

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