Google AdSense Referrals Retiring

Make Money Online | July 1st, 2008 | 8 Comments

Just this morning I received an email from Google AdSense team. At first believe I was scared, knowing i logged on my Google AdSense account from public netcaffe where they share one IP the first thing that crossed my mind was…ok they suspended me, now the hassle to explain them whats the deal.

Well for my luck I was wrong (phewww), the email was announcing that Google AdSense was going to retire their referrals program since the last week of August and all the referral codes starting from the last week of August were not going to display a thing.

Naturally they did not closed the doors to more revenue for them, actually they gave an alternative..the DoubleClick Performics Affiliate Network which will operate as the Google Affiliate Network for advertisers targeting users located in the United States.

Another news is the next one

AdSense for content ads: If you have less than three AdSense for content ad units on a page, you may wish to replace the referral ad units with standard AFC ad units.

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8 Responses to “Google AdSense Referrals Retiring”
  1. Wendy says:

    I like this option of replacement the referral ad units with standard AFC ad units.

  2. SEO Tips says:

    And for users in other parts of the world?

  3. @seo tips: I believe this is for all users from around the world. I know once they stopped paying for referred users from some continents but I am not sure if that rule still applies with this new way of handling referral programs or they have lifted out that rule.

    @Wendy, yeah it does make much more sense now, lets hope we get even more features/flexibility too 😉

  4. Best SEO says:

    Typical Google, what use is that if you are outside the USA!

    Still at least you haven’t had the dreaded “account closed” e-mail like so many innocent AdSense users.

  5. I dont think its quite good idea…Bcoz many sites earnings are drastically dropped i am sure abt that ..And they introduced affiliates but its not by there own its a third party networks ..

  6. TextLinks says:

    i feel its not good …Atleast they need get some good alternative for referrals …My earnings are dropped a lot …And google introduces Affiliates its damn waste i have registered long back till now they didnt approved

  7. I quite Confused here. What Google Wants for doing this? Many People Wants only running the Adsense it’s not join the Affiliate Network.

  8. Web Design says:

    I totally Agreed the Home based business. People are wants to running the Adsense. Because of In affiliate network doesn’t give the click per pay. It’s give the sell per pay.