Integrate Google Adsense and Google Analytics

Google search engine, Make Money Online | January 28th, 2009 | 13 Comments

Haven’t you ever wanted to have a tool with which you could compare your traffic and your Google AdSense account earnings ? But something that would be more specific…something that could tell you more about your site? I bet you did, and you still do want that.

I do not know if this is something new or old actually, but today when I logged on my adsense account I did notice a link that was telling me that now I can link (integrate) my AdSense account with my Analytics account. In either case this is a great feature as it would give more space to webmasters to optimize their content, learn more about their users how did they found their website and how do the visitors actually interact with webmaster’s content, it also can help you optimize your website design and even optimize the position of your AdSense ad blocks.

That does sound cool doesn’t it? Actually it sounds incredible you would say, but hold on a second, we are talking about Google here, the master of “gathering data” and turning those data into cold cash for them.

It kinda turns out that this great feature you have dreamed about has a bad side too no? Well for sure it can help you learn more about your website, your visitors, your content, your design and even helps you to make more money online by optimizing all possible aspects of your site, but it also…in a legal way you give access to Google to actually share, compare AND use your traffic stats data and possibly classify AdWords advertisers on how much they are actually bidding on a keyword and on which sites would they get displayed too (The higher bidders on more traffic sites?!). Does it make sense to you? For me its crystal clear and personally I do not have anything against all that as it can’t turn worst, but it could definitively turn into better if your site grows.

However, lets leave the “presumptions” aside, for those that are interested to integrate their Google AdSense with their Google Analytics account, as always, Google has already thought about making a video tutorial for that (even tho it is too simple to be guided by a video).

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13 Responses to “Integrate Google Adsense and Google Analytics”
  1. I like the video for those that can’t get it right…hahahahah…I for one am reluctant to give Google too much insight into the workings of my projects….they are the great data miners after all.

  2. Internet Age says:

    Who ever who thought of integrating these two services is a GENIUS!

  3. Web Design says:

    Nice Video. Thanks For Provide the Information about the Tracking AdSense Traffic.

  4. seo blog says:

    You get tons of various tools for Adwords users so why not do something similar for Adsense? I must say I always wanted to see something similar created.

  5. Well after I published the post I made a second round research and I found out that actually some premium publisher’s had this option enabled long time ago (forgot now, but i think it was since September 2007 or 2008).

    However it looks excellent to be able to track the pages that bring most of the clicks & revenue.

    Personally I tried it for couple days on some of the sites, I am not sure if I was scared but i saw the earnings declining so I took off the option.

    Anyone of you guys tried it out and would like to share his/her experience?

  6. Seb says:

    Thanks for posting this I’m new to all this stuff, but this makes sense to me and like you said it should be interesting to track the pages that bring most of the clicks & revenue. thanks again

  7. seo blog says:

    This is great stuff! You should update your blog more often. 🙂

    I’m back on entreated so I gave you a drop as well.

  8. Hi there! You really should update your blog more often!

  9. Internet Age says:

    Hmmm! Updates needed! Compelling and regular content is what makes users come back for more. Please indulge us.

  10. Tech Blog says:

    I always wanted this to happen, I was more than happy to see this feature and integrated my accounts in a minute.

  11. SEO Tips says:

    Well done! as i never thought that it is possible.

  12. LOVE the video! Great way to show how this all works. I took a lot away from watching it. Thanks again!

  13. Very useful suggestions for integration of analytics with adwords…thanks