Around the Web and Back April 19 2008

Open topic | April 19th, 2008 | 1 Comment

ON my Sundays (routine) post of articles you have missed reading Jadgu reminded me of something I was thinking for awhile to do, a post from articles you might have missed reading on the web. Indeed the idea is simply great and I do see two main valid reasons for doing this.

  1. Letting readers know about some good articles and sources from where they could get more knowledge
  2. Linking out to good/trusted resource sites (I bet you asking why this matters)

Even tho I don’t read as often and as much as I used to do a year ago or two, I still do read some great resources that from where you can always learn new things regarding SEO, Internet Marketing, Make Money Online or Blogging Tips.

Articles From the Web

After each listing of the articles from the web I will write down my own personal opinion on it. The listings bellow will definitively help you understand more about SEO and Internet Marketing and how to make more money online from your resources.

  • The Value of Small Daily Incremental Improvements

    Aaron Wall is kinda sharing his method of working and what stimulates him to continue with the hard work. It all looks so similar to something I blogged about earlier on this blog. The small achievements stimulate you to go further, and further..and further until you reach the top of your goal.

    I can’t resist but to mention another article on Aaron’s blog, which regards mostly Google and SEO. The article is titled Google Thinks YOU Are a Black Hat SEO. Should You Trust Them?. I would rather keep my comment for my own self as I would not have anything to add that Aaron has already written in the post, well worth to read but just don’t understand it wrong.

  • Link Buying/Selling Is Still Alive And Well

    Another worth to read article comes from Paul Barlow of Make Money Online. The article is about Google’s war on link/buyers and sellers. I have to agree with Paul that the link buying/selling is not over and indeed it is doing well. The buy sell trade threads on forums have never stopped but they just become smarter and are doing things with more caution then ever, but they are still doing it.

I would have wanted to include problogger in the list as well, but seems like he is kinda busy twittering lately (yeah, kinda like John Chow and he’s food). Even tho I have created a twitter page I still don’t find it really that interesting. Usually when I want to chat I do it for personal reasons, maybe it is a wrong marketing strategy not to chat with second hand intentions but thats me.

Reminder: I see the voting if Kontera annoys you or no is going a bit slow. But I think in this post where I have used some more links, more irregular listings the picture is totally different, can you give me your opinion by voting? You can find the voting poll on the sidebar.

Hope you enjoyed the share. If you have an article that would like to share it with the readers please comment bellow by linking to the article.

Sharing is caring!

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One Response to “Around the Web and Back April 19 2008”
  1. Jagdu says:

    Hey! Thanks for the link. I’m always one to link out, it shows Google that I’m a real person and shows value to other webmaster to put real value online. It’s also the reason I comment on your blog!