Win Blue Glory WordPress Theme

Open topic | January 25th, 2008 | 11 Comments

As you have notice I haven’t missed a day posting (shame on me), mainly because I am working on a new design for xhtml coding (which I have to admit it is coming really good).

On this note I have to remind you that I promised when I first announced the sale of Blue Glory that I will be most likely giving 1 free copy of the theme to the readers of SEO Optimization, well I am not going to do that. Actually I will be giving 2 copies to two lucky winners on this auction. I have to admit that I haven’t promoted the sale of the theme pretty much, but it still managed to sell a copy, and if you can’t afford $65 USD to buy a copy than this might be your chance to own one leased license copy of Blue Glory WP Theme and use it in one of your sites (remember, it is a leased copy so you have no rights to use it on more than one site, redistribute it or sell it).

The rules will be just as simple as for the previous contest for Entrecard credits. To participate on this contest you have to..

  • Blog about this contest and linkback to the homepage of this blog with anchor text Learn SEO or SEO Blog (pick one)
  • Comment bellow on this post and tell me why would you want to win this theme (also state the URL of your post)

As you can see the rules are only two and plain simply, if you can’t even comply with those two simple rules I will simply burn a copy of the theme (don’t ask me how, but I will).

To make things even sweeter there will be a third winner for this contest. The third winner will also win 400 Entrecard credits that can be used to advertise on any blog you want that uses the Entrecard widget.

This contest will be running until 29th February 2008 and the winners will be announced on March 1 2008.

Wish the best luck to everyone and let the contest begin!

Sharing is caring!

Article Marketing Robot

11 Responses to “Win Blue Glory WordPress Theme”
  1. Wish i could enter, but not going to put up unrelated stuff on my Guitar Hero site. Not a bad theme though.I gotta get a nice header made for my site but i need to wait for a check.

  2. Hi Astrit,

    I would like to win this theme because I think that it may provide my site with better advertising opportunities in the “right sidebar” for adding 125 x 125 ads. I also enjoy the color blue.

    I blogged about your contest in this post:

  3. Hi Guitar, i completely understand you for keeping your blog on topic 😉 (i might be giving aware a guitar sooner, just kidding).

    Andrew, confirmed and you have been qualified for the contest. Thank you for entering 😉

  4. Bendz says:

    I don’t want to sound so desperate but (what the Hell!), I am desperate for the theme! (haha)

    I plan to get my own domain name and have a wordpress blog so I could reach a wider readership by having my posts SEOed cause with Blogger, SEOing is a tedeos coding process.

    I feel like I’m missing out in the blogosphere with my current host. I reall, really, really want this!

    Oh boy, did I sond to desperate?

  5. Hey there Bendz,
    Hell no, actually I am flattered 😛 (just teasing). Your chances are pretty high on winning the theme (two entries only heh), and would be really glad if winning this theme would help you blogging.

    Your entry has been confirmed and good luck 😉

  6. Erz says:


    Here’s my entry:

    I would love to win the theme to give either my current blog or a new blog a brand new look which is more differentiated. The current free theme I use is being used by many other blogs which makes it less unique. Also I like the many features and the stylish look of the Blue Glory theme.


  7. Bendz says:

    Hmm, I wonder why nobody is joining…

  8. Ah don’t wonder. Contests on seo blogs is not the maximum one would expect. In other words, people prefer content over the contest, but sometimes you have to kinda stimulate different type of readers (not all want the same).

  9. […] enough, with only 2 participants). The participants emails (that have been used to comment in the wordpress theme contest page) will drawn from the random list, the first 2 emails of the list will win the theme and the third […]

  10. Jason says:

    It’s a sweet theme. 🙂

    I’d like it to give away in a contest I’m having, so that my readers could benefit. Speaking of which, you’ve got Entrecard mail 😉
