WordPress XML Sitemap Generator Plugin

SEO Tutorials | December 7th, 2007 | 2 Comments

SEO Optimization recommends you reading SEO Book, 331 pages ebook in PDF with useful search engine optimization tips and search engine marketing guide.

This post is meant more to those that do not want to stay behind the radar of Google or other search engines but would rather want to let them know whats new on their blog. The WordPress XML Sitemap Generator plugin by Arne Brachhold. A WordPress plugin we have been used to, that automatically creates xml sitemap for our site and pings the search engine to let it know that there is a new post published that needs to be crawled.

The old plugin was mainly made for Google search engine, first because Google search engine was the first search engine to give users this feature. With the latest XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress plugin v3.0.2.1 you are able to create sitemap and ping as well Yahoo search engine, MSN search engine and Ask search engine (and hopefully Ask will not send me traffic for totally unrelated keywords).

This plugin works on WordPress 2.1 or higher and I tested it just few minutes ago on the latest WordPress version 2.3.1 and it works just great as well as in combination with the all in one seo pack With the plugin you can also set Priorities to posts, categories, static pages, homepage and also set frequency for each page.

Even tho each search engine has a different algorithm to rank websites on their SERPs, I have been more friendly with Google search engine than with the rest, and since we do not need to place all eggs in the same basket, the other search engines should be paid attention as well, after all Yahoo search engine is the direct competitor of Google and MSN still has a decent amount of users thanks to the default settings that come with every Windows install, said this, we need ALL the traffic from ALL the search engines (well, at least as much as possible.

If you haven’t yet but you are willing to (hah) be more friendly with search engines you can download this plugin now, activating it is very easy and can be done within 5 minutes. Please make sure tho that you download the recommended version which will work with your WordPress version as well.

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2 Responses to “WordPress XML Sitemap Generator Plugin”
  1. […] WordPress XML Sitemap Plugin […]

  2. […] something. It is not that the search engine spider bots are unable to crawl your site, but with a XML sitemap not only that the spider bots will know the road to walk but they also get reminded that there is […]